MIAC Indoor Multis Heptathlon

Concordia College, Moorhead

March 5, 2015

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60 Meter Dash
    1 Colby Seyferth, Sr, Carleton                       7.26  H3           792 points
    2 Evan McNeil, Sr, Carleton                          7.40  H3           745 points
    3 Preston Huddleston, Fr, St. Thomas                7.450  H3           729 points
    3 Connor Gross, Fr, St. Thomas                      7.450  H3           729 points
    5 Sean Adams, Jr, Augsburg                           7.50  H3           713 points
    6 Dan Kremer, Sr, St. Thomas                         7.58  H2           687 points
    7 Joe Hendrickson, So, Concordia Moorhead            7.61  H2           678 points
    8 Jack Buckner, Fr, Carleton                         7.64  H1           668 points
    9 Phil Emmerich, Jr, Saint Mary's                    7.66  H2           662 points
   10 Jeremiah Thayer, So, St. Thomas                    7.69  H3           653 points
   11 Griffin Toomey, So, Saint John's                   7.73  H2           640 points
   12 Andrew Tollefson, Fr, St. Thomas                   7.77  H2           628 points
   13 Joseph Gardner, Fr, Saint Mary's                  7.794  H2           619 points
   14 Zach Freese, Fr, Concordia Moorhead               7.801  H1           616 points
   15 Gabe Wright, Jr, Concordia Moorhead                7.87  H1           598 points
   16 Jacob Peterson, Jr, Saint John's                   7.89  H1           592 points
   17 Tamas Peterson, Sr, St. Olaf                       8.02  H1           554 points
   18 Hans-Kristof Nelson, Jr, Concordia Moorhead        8.12  H1           525 points


    1  Colby Seyferth                        Carleton       792
    2  Evan McNeil                           Carleton       745
    3  Preston Huddleston                  St. Thomas       729
    4  Connor Gross                        St. Thomas       729
    5  Sean Adams                            Augsburg       713
    6  Dan Kremer                          St. Thomas       687
    7  Joe Hendrickson             Concordia Moorhead       678
    8  Jack Buckner                          Carleton       668
    9  Phil Emmerich                     Saint Mary's       662
   10  Jeremiah Thayer                     St. Thomas       653
   11  Griffin Toomey                    Saint John's       640
   12  Andrew Tollefson                    St. Thomas       628
   13  Joseph Gardner                    Saint Mary's       619
   14  Zach Freese                 Concordia Moorhead       616
   15  Gabe Wright                 Concordia Moorhead       598
   16  Jacob Peterson                    Saint John's       592
   17  Tamas Peterson                        St. Olaf       554
   18  Hans-Kristof Nelson         Concordia Moorhead       525

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