South Suburban Conference Championships Varsity Girls
Eagan High School
Oct. 14, 2011
Partly sunny, very very windy, 50s
Results by Apple Raceberry JaM
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1 Lakeville South 39 2 5 9 11 12 20 21 15:16.2 1:02.2
2 Eagan 71 1 8 15 22 25 33 44 15:31.1 1:27.9
3 Prior Lake 83 6 7 16 24 30 34 35 15:41.8 0:54.8
4 Lakeville North 128 4 14 32 38 40 43 47 15:58.4 1:26.5
5 Rosemount 137 10 13 17 46 51 53 56 16:03.5 1:12.0
6 Eastview 146 19 27 28 31 41 54 59 16:08.6 0:41.7
7 Apple Valley 166 23 26 36 39 42 48 50 16:15.6 0:38.5
8 Burnsville 192 3 37 45 52 55 60 62 16:17.5 2:05.3
9* Bloomington Jefferson 268 29 57 58 61 63 64 65 17:01.7 1:15.7
10* Bloomington Kennedy 268 18 49 66 67 68 17:18.2 2:46.4
Incomplete Teams:
1. Lakeville South
2 Kaytlyn Larson, 9 14:34.2
5 Annie Brekken, 9 15:06.7
9 Megan Kilbride, 12 15:30.3
11 Megan Lubow, 10 15:33.2
12 Erin Kilbride, 10 15:36.4
20 Jenny Machaj, 10 15:52.5
21 Caraline Slattery, 9 15:54.1
Total Time = 1:16:20.6 Total Places = 39
2. Eagan
1 Danielle Anderson, 11 14:30.3
8 Anna Van Wyk, 9 15:25.6
15 Kelli Praska, 9 15:45.0
22 Raissa Hansen, 10 15:56.3
25 Alanna Stangl, 12 15:58.2
33 Karina Johnson, 9 16:11.4
44 Phoebe Craig, 11 16:35.3
Total Time = 1:17:35.2 Total Places = 71
3. Prior Lake
6 Taylor Scholl, 12 15:13.9
7 Samantha Anderson, 12 15:22.0
16 Mackenzie Schell, 10 15:46.7
24 Kirsten Anderson, 12 15:57.7
30 Madeline Schulze, 11 16:08.7
34 Amber Tieman, 11 16:15.3
35 Lauren Bruha, 12 16:16.6
Total Time = 1:18:28.7 Total Places = 83
4. Lakeville North
4 Taylor Perkins, 11 15:03.7
14 Emma Johnson, 12 15:40.1
32 Haley Eskierka, 11 16:09.8
38 Chloee Sagmoe, 8 16:28.3
40 Hannah Evers, 12 16:30.2
43 Riley Broughten, 10 16:35.1
47 Katie Martinek, 12 16:36.5
Total Time = 1:19:52.0 Total Places = 128
5. Rosemount
10 Hannah Grim, 10 15:31.0
13 Liz Evenocheck, 9 15:38.3
17 Taylor Rambo, 11 15:49.0
46 Tori Grund, 12 16:36.2
51 Taybri Irving, 11 16:43.0
53 Lizzie Thooft, 11 16:47.1
56 Emily Davis, 12 16:58.6
Total Time = 1:20:17.4 Total Places = 137
6. Eastview
19 Jena Moody, 10 15:52.3
27 Hana Metoxen, 9 16:00.4
28 Lauren Herland, 9 16:07.3
31 Brooke Haesmeyer, 11 16:08.9
41 Courtney Conroy, 12 16:34.0
54 Jenna Brandel, 10 16:54.0
59 Katie Coyne, 9 17:14.5
Total Time = 1:20:42.7 Total Places = 146
7. Apple Valley
23 Alexa Nelson, 12 15:56.3
26 Natalie Webb, 12 16:00.2
36 Meredith Jones, 11 16:17.3
39 Bailey Roberts, 8 16:29.4
42 Abbey Singleton, 12 16:34.8
48 Camille Sjoquist, 9 16:39.4
50 Kaitlin Hattouni, 12 16:41.8
Total Time = 1:21:17.9 Total Places = 166
8. Burnsville
3 Vivian Hett, 10 14:49.5
37 Johanna Weber, 8 16:23.5
45 Rissa Lane, 12 16:35.6
52 Jordan Horner, 9 16:44.4
55 Sierra Adrian, 12 16:54.7
60 Laura Comee, 12 17:17.4
62 Jane Koch, 9 17:22.6
Total Time = 1:21:27.5 Total Places = 192
9*. Bloomington Jefferson
29 Joni Weatherhead, 12 16:08.3
57 Sydni Starling, 9 17:03.3
58 Alexa Groenke, 10 17:12.5
61 Dancia Martens, 12 17:20.3
63 Sydney Olson, 11 17:24.0
64 Anne Gathje, 12 17:24.6
65 Kelly Mitzel, 9 17:25.6
Total Time = 1:25:08.4 Total Places = 268
10*. Bloomington Kennedy
18 Morgan Curry, 8 15:51.9
49 Chloe Larson, 7 16:39.6
66 Kathleen Cameron, 10 17:34.7
67 Jill Haram, 12 17:46.7
68 Patience Yalarti, 12 18:38.2
Total Time = 1:26:30.9 Total Places = 268
| Winner Danielle Anderson | |
1 1 Danielle Anderson, 11 14:30.3 Eagan
2 2 Kaytlyn Larson, 9 14:34.2 Lakeville South
3 3 Vivian Hett, 10 14:49.5 Burnsville
4 4 Taylor Perkins, 11 15:03.7 Lakeville North
5 5 Annie Brekken, 9 15:06.7 Lakeville South
6 6 Taylor Scholl, 12 15:13.9 Prior Lake
7 7 Samantha Anderson, 12 15:22.0 Prior Lake
8 8 Anna Van Wyk, 9 15:25.6 Eagan
9 9 Megan Kilbride, 12 15:30.3 Lakeville South
10 10 Hannah Grim, 10 15:31.0 Rosemount
11 11 Megan Lubow, 10 15:33.2 Lakeville South
12 12 Erin Kilbride, 10 15:36.4 Lakeville South
13 13 Liz Evenocheck, 9 15:38.3 Rosemount
14 14 Emma Johnson, 12 15:40.1 Lakeville North
15 15 Kelli Praska, 9 15:45.0 Eagan
16 16 Mackenzie Schell, 10 15:46.7 Prior Lake
17 17 Taylor Rambo, 11 15:49.0 Rosemount
18 18 Morgan Curry, 8 15:51.9 Bloomington Kennedy
19 19 Jena Moody, 10 15:52.3 Eastview
20 20 Jenny Machaj, 10 15:52.5 Lakeville South
21 21 Caraline Slattery, 9 15:54.1 Lakeville South
22 22 Raissa Hansen, 10 15:56.3 Eagan
23 23 Alexa Nelson, 12 15:56.3 Apple Valley
24 24 Kirsten Anderson, 12 15:57.7 Prior Lake
25 25 Alanna Stangl, 12 15:58.2 Eagan
26 26 Natalie Webb, 12 16:00.2 Apple Valley
27 27 Hana Metoxen, 9 16:00.4 Eastview
28 Mariah Gallagher, 10 16:03.0 Lakeville South
29 28 Lauren Herland, 9 16:07.3 Eastview
30 29 Joni Weatherhead, 12 16:08.3 Bloomington Jefferson
31 30 Madeline Schulze, 11 16:08.7 Prior Lake
32 31 Brooke Haesmeyer, 11 16:08.9 Eastview
33 32 Haley Eskierka, 11 16:09.8 Lakeville North
34 Erin Meyers, 9 16:11.0 Lakeville South
35 33 Karina Johnson, 9 16:11.4 Eagan
36 34 Amber Tieman, 11 16:15.3 Prior Lake
37 35 Lauren Bruha, 12 16:16.6 Prior Lake
38 36 Meredith Jones, 11 16:17.3 Apple Valley
39 Madison Scholl, 7 16:21.7 Prior Lake
40 Makenzie Lamphere, 11 16:21.9 Prior Lake
41 37 Johanna Weber, 8 16:23.5 Burnsville
42 38 Chloee Sagmoe, 8 16:28.3 Lakeville North
43 39 Bailey Roberts, 8 16:29.4 Apple Valley
44 40 Hannah Evers, 12 16:30.2 Lakeville North
45 41 Courtney Conroy, 12 16:34.0 Eastview
46 42 Abbey Singleton, 12 16:34.8 Apple Valley
47 43 Riley Broughten, 10 16:35.1 Lakeville North
48 44 Phoebe Craig, 11 16:35.3 Eagan
49 45 Rissa Lane, 12 16:35.6 Burnsville
50 46 Tori Grund, 12 16:36.2 Rosemount
51 47 Katie Martinek, 12 16:36.5 Lakeville North
52 48 Camille Sjoquist, 9 16:39.4 Apple Valley
53 49 Chloe Larson, 7 16:39.6 Bloomington Kennedy
54 50 Kaitlin Hattouni, 12 16:41.8 Apple Valley
55 Shanni Moorse, 10 16:41.9 Apple Valley
56 51 Taybri Irving, 11 16:43.0 Rosemount
57 52 Jordan Horner, 9 16:44.4 Burnsville
58 Elizabeth Frick, 11 16:45.8 Eagan
59 53 Lizzie Thooft, 11 16:47.1 Rosemount
60 Molly Wilson, 8 16:50.3 Lakeville North
61 Madison Lesmeister, 12 16:50.5 Prior Lake
62 Mariah Uphoff, 8 16:52.2 Lakeville South
63 54 Jenna Brandel, 10 16:54.0 Eastview
64 55 Sierra Adrian, 12 16:54.7 Burnsville
65 56 Emily Davis, 12 16:58.6 Rosemount
66 Alexia Wilson, 9 17:01.1 Eagan
67 57 Sydni Starling, 9 17:03.3 Bloomington Jefferson
68 Libby Jacoby, 12 17:09.0 Eagan
69 Amy Ferguson, 11 17:11.2 Lakeville North
70 Sarah Krynski, 8 17:11.2 Lakeville North
71 58 Alexa Groenke, 10 17:12.5 Bloomington Jefferson
72 59 Katie Coyne, 9 17:14.5 Eastview
73 60 Laura Comee, 12 17:17.4 Burnsville
74 61 Dancia Martens, 12 17:20.3 Bloomington Jefferson
75 62 Jane Koch, 9 17:22.6 Burnsville
76 63 Sydney Olson, 11 17:24.0 Bloomington Jefferson
77 64 Anne Gathje, 12 17:24.6 Bloomington Jefferson
78 65 Kelly Mitzel, 9 17:25.6 Bloomington Jefferson
79 Madison Ihrke, 12 17:28.8 Apple Valley
80 Kjerstin Narvesen, 11 17:29.8 Burnsville
81 66 Kathleen Cameron, 10 17:34.7 Bloomington Kennedy
82 67 Jill Haram, 12 17:46.7 Bloomington Kennedy
83 Laura Dennis, 12 18:05.0 Rosemount
84 Naomi Ollila, 11 18:17.8 Apple Valley
85 68 Patience Yalarti, 12 18:38.2 Bloomington Kennedy
86 Bailey Plaman, 10 18:55.3 Bloomington Jefferson
87 Ellen Berkowitz, 10 19:44.1 Bloomington Jefferson
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