South Suburban Conference Championships Varsity Boys
Eagan High School
Oct. 14, 2011
Partly sunny, very very windy, 50s
Results by Apple Raceberry JaM
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1 Rosemount 49 6 9 10 11 13 18 22 16:56.4 0:29.9
2 Eastview 72 5 12 15 19 21 24 50 17:06.6 0:45.8
3 Burnsville 98 1 7 8 27 55 57 60 17:11.0 2:30.7
4 Lakeville North 105 4 17 23 28 33 35 37 17:21.9 1:18.7
5 Lakeville South 135 14 20 31 34 36 43 17:38.3 0:46.7
6 Bloomington Jefferson 173 2 29 42 49 51 62 64 17:45.9 2:14.3
7 Apple Valley 177 25 26 39 41 46 47 48 17:53.5 0:50.0
8 Eagan 200 3 32 45 59 61 63 66 17:60.0 2:25.7
9 Prior Lake 218 30 38 44 52 54 56 69 18:12.6 0:45.6
10 Bloomington Kennedy 232 16 40 53 58 65 67 68 18:17.2 1:42.3
Incomplete Teams:
1. Rosemount
6 Nathan Rock, 12 16:39.8
9 Trevor Capra, 11 16:55.8
10 Chandler Dye, 12 16:57.6
11 Calvin Lehn, 12 16:59.4
13 Nick Couillard, 12 17:09.6
18 Tyler Blumke, 12 17:16.7
22 Sam Ivanecky, 9 17:24.4
Total Time = 1:24:42.1 Total Places = 49
2. Eastview
5 Nick Oelke, 11 16:35.0
12 Ken Hoffman, 12 17:03.4
15 John Donlan, 11 17:15.0
19 David Salter, 12 17:19.0
21 Joe Manders, 10 17:20.7
24 Dan Spika, 11 17:29.8
50 Zach Tollefson, 11 18:23.3
Total Time = 1:25:32.9 Total Places = 72
3. Burnsville
1 Cole O'Brien, 12 16:04.7
7 Faysol Mamoud, 9 16:50.9
8 Abdullahi Salan, 12 16:50.9
27 Shawn Wong, 11 17:33.1
55 Jake Stevens, 11 18:35.3
57 Johnny Walker, 10 18:37.6
60 Sam Houching, 10 18:43.2
Total Time = 1:25:54.7 Total Places = 98
4. Lakeville North
4 Ben Saxton, 12 16:34.3
17 Jason Dawson, 12 17:16.3
23 Spencer Castillo, 12 17:27.2
28 Luke Anderson, 8 17:38.9
33 Jason Windhorn, 10 17:53.0
35 Jack Brenner, 10 17:55.6
37 Corey Peterson, 11 17:59.1
Total Time = 1:26:49.5 Total Places = 105
5. Lakeville South
14 Mark Honetschlager, 12 17:11.5
20 Jake Schneeman, 12 17:20.6
31 Wade Durham, 10 17:47.7
34 Noah Hanson, 9 17:53.7
36 Joey Machaj, 12 17:58.2
43 Cash Rodamaker, 11 18:15.6
Total Time = 1:28:11.6 Total Places = 135
6. Bloomington Jefferson
2 Jan Ketterson, 12 16:10.4
29 Matt Rosen, 10 17:42.1
42 Jack Graves, 11 18:09.8
49 Jacob Weber, 11 18:22.3
51 Ted McGee, 12 18:24.6
62 Zak Ketterson, 8 18:49.3
64 Justin Hendricks, 12 18:54.7
Total Time = 1:28:49.2 Total Places = 173
7. Apple Valley
25 Alex Brandel, 12 17:29.8
26 Nick Hughes, 11 17:30.1
39 Robinson Ewald, 12 18:01.6
41 Liam Tyler, 10 18:06.3
46 Grant Udelhofen, 9 18:19.8
47 Luke Tansey, 10 18:21.7
48 Jack Crippes, 10 18:22.0
Total Time = 1:29:27.5 Total Places = 177
8. Eagan
3 Sidney Speir, 11 16:21.8
32 Nate Johnson, 11 17:52.1
45 Josh Podpeskar, 10 18:16.4
59 Nick Vecellio, 12 18:42.0
61 Jack Pilney, 10 18:47.4
63 John Williams, 12 18:54.1
66 Justin Feiock, 12 18:58.4
Total Time = 1:29:59.6 Total Places = 200
9. Prior Lake
30 James White, 11 17:47.3
38 Josh Schaffer, 12 18:00.8
44 Paul Evans, 12 18:16.0
52 Jackson Homstad, 12 18:26.0
54 Cole Nielsen, 10 18:32.9
56 Shawn Doherty, 9 18:35.9
69 Thomas Cunningham, 12 19:19.8
Total Time = 1:31:02.8 Total Places = 218
10. Bloomington Kennedy
16 Johnathan Hess, 11 17:15.4
40 Tamer Mische-Richter, 9 18:03.7
53 John Lanoue, 12 18:31.2
58 Dave Brazel, 11 18:38.1
65 Grant Skophammer, 9 18:57.7
67 Ben Murphy, 9 18:59.3
68 Montana Davis, 12 19:08.3
Total Time = 1:31:25.8 Total Places = 232
| Winner Cole O'Brien | |
1 1 Cole O'Brien, 12 16:04.7 Burnsville
2 2 Jan Ketterson, 12 16:10.4 Bloomington Jefferson
3 3 Sidney Speir, 11 16:21.8 Eagan
4 4 Ben Saxton, 12 16:34.3 Lakeville North
5 5 Nick Oelke, 11 16:35.0 Eastview
6 6 Nathan Rock, 12 16:39.8 Rosemount
7 7 Faysol Mamoud, 9 16:50.9 Burnsville
8 8 Abdullahi Salan, 12 16:50.9 Burnsville
9 9 Trevor Capra, 11 16:55.8 Rosemount
10 10 Chandler Dye, 12 16:57.6 Rosemount
11 11 Calvin Lehn, 12 16:59.4 Rosemount
12 12 Ken Hoffman, 12 17:03.4 Eastview
13 13 Nick Couillard, 12 17:09.6 Rosemount
14 14 Mark Honetschlager, 12 17:11.5 Lakeville South
15 15 John Donlan, 11 17:15.0 Eastview
16 16 Johnathan Hess, 11 17:15.4 Bloomington Kennedy
17 17 Jason Dawson, 12 17:16.3 Lakeville North
18 18 Tyler Blumke, 12 17:16.7 Rosemount
19 19 David Salter, 12 17:19.0 Eastview
20 20 Jake Schneeman, 12 17:20.6 Lakeville South
21 21 Joe Manders, 10 17:20.7 Eastview
22 22 Sam Ivanecky, 9 17:24.4 Rosemount
23 23 Spencer Castillo, 12 17:27.2 Lakeville North
24 24 Dan Spika, 11 17:29.8 Eastview
25 25 Alex Brandel, 12 17:29.8 Apple Valley
26 26 Nick Hughes, 11 17:30.1 Apple Valley
27 27 Shawn Wong, 11 17:33.1 Burnsville
28 28 Luke Anderson, 8 17:38.9 Lakeville North
29 29 Matt Rosen, 10 17:42.1 Bloomington Jefferson
30 30 James White, 11 17:47.3 Prior Lake
31 31 Wade Durham, 10 17:47.7 Lakeville South
32 32 Nate Johnson, 11 17:52.1 Eagan
33 33 Jason Windhorn, 10 17:53.0 Lakeville North
34 34 Noah Hanson, 9 17:53.7 Lakeville South
35 Joe Carlson, 12 17:55.2 Rosemount
36 35 Jack Brenner, 10 17:55.6 Lakeville North
37 36 Joey Machaj, 12 17:58.2 Lakeville South
38 37 Corey Peterson, 11 17:59.1 Lakeville North
39 Justin Hanson, 9 18:00.2 Lakeville North
40 38 Josh Schaffer, 12 18:00.8 Prior Lake
41 39 Robinson Ewald, 12 18:01.6 Apple Valley
42 40 Tamer Mische-Richter, 9 18:03.7 Bloomington Kennedy
43 41 Liam Tyler, 10 18:06.3 Apple Valley
44 42 Jack Graves, 11 18:09.8 Bloomington Jefferson
45 43 Cash Rodamaker, 11 18:15.6 Lakeville South
46 44 Paul Evans, 12 18:16.0 Prior Lake
47 45 Josh Podpeskar, 10 18:16.4 Eagan
48 46 Grant Udelhofen, 9 18:19.8 Apple Valley
49 47 Luke Tansey, 10 18:21.7 Apple Valley
50 48 Jack Crippes, 10 18:22.0 Apple Valley
51 49 Jacob Weber, 11 18:22.3 Bloomington Jefferson
52 50 Zach Tollefson, 11 18:23.3 Eastview
53 51 Ted McGee, 12 18:24.6 Bloomington Jefferson
54 52 Jackson Homstad, 12 18:26.0 Prior Lake
55 Derek Mansur, 12 18:28.6 Apple Valley
56 53 John Lanoue, 12 18:31.2 Bloomington Kennedy
57 54 Cole Nielsen, 10 18:32.9 Prior Lake
58 55 Jake Stevens, 11 18:35.3 Burnsville
59 56 Shawn Doherty, 9 18:35.9 Prior Lake
60 57 Johnny Walker, 10 18:37.6 Burnsville
61 58 Dave Brazel, 11 18:38.1 Bloomington Kennedy
62 59 Nick Vecellio, 12 18:42.0 Eagan
63 60 Sam Houching, 10 18:43.2 Burnsville
64 61 Jack Pilney, 10 18:47.4 Eagan
65 62 Zak Ketterson, 8 18:49.3 Bloomington Jefferson
66 Justin Duda, 12 18:52.9 Burnsville
67 Lewis Kunik, 12 18:53.3 Lakeville North
68 63 John Williams, 12 18:54.1 Eagan
69 64 Justin Hendricks, 12 18:54.7 Bloomington Jefferson
70 Paul Frieler, 12 18:57.1 Burnsville
71 65 Grant Skophammer, 9 18:57.7 Bloomington Kennedy
72 66 Justin Feiock, 12 18:58.4 Eagan
73 Carter Nelson, 10 18:58.6 Apple Valley
74 67 Ben Murphy, 9 18:59.3 Bloomington Kennedy
75 Ben Rauzi, 9 19:04.9 Lakeville North
76 Nicholas Acton, 11 19:05.4 Eagan
77 68 Montana Davis, 12 19:08.3 Bloomington Kennedy
78 Jack Kokkinen, 11 19:09.5 Bloomington Jefferson
79 Jake Odom, 10 19:15.2 Burnsville
80 Dan Podpeskar, 10 19:16.7 Eagan
81 69 Thomas Cunningham, 12 19:19.8 Prior Lake
82 Cato Valandra, 11 19:21.2 Eagan
83 Jacob Miller, 11 19:21.5 Bloomington Jefferson
84 Sayed Rahmani, 12 19:24.2 Prior Lake
85 Jack Loftus, 12 19:35.9 Apple Valley
86 Daniel Erikson, 12 19:47.4 Bloomington Kennedy
87 Joe Kern, 10 20:36.5 Bloomington Kennedy
88 Ben Garrison, 9 20:52.4 Prior Lake
89 Alex Larson, 8 20:54.8 Bloomington Kennedy
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