Como Golf Course, St. Paul

Oct. 28, 1995

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Results also available for women


  1   Carleton                 41    1    2    9   11   18   22   31   26:46        50
  2   St. John's               48    3    4    8   13   20   24   26   26:52        33
  3   St. Thomas               81    7   14   16   19   25   28   34   27:04        35
  4   St. Olaf                133    5   15   32   39   42   46   48   27:39      1:47
  5   Hamline                 158   21   23   35   38   41   47   50   27:49      1:11
  6   Gustavus                168    6   12   37   56   57   64   65   28:07      2:36
  7   Bethel                  187   17   30   43   45   52   54   70   28:11      1:51
  8   Macalester              188   10   27   33   51   67   68   69   28:10      3:01
  9   Augsburg                259   29   36   53   66   75   76   77   29:12      3:56
 10   St. Mary's              270   40   49   59   60   62   73   74   29:10      1:15
 11   Concordia               281   44   55   58   61   63   71   72   29:17      1:08


1. Carleton
    1  Kevin Theissen, Sr          26:21  
    2  Daniel Virnig, Jr           26:29  
    9  Philip Bowen, Sr            26:51  
   11  William Martin, So          26:57  
   18  Jonathan Bougie, Jr         27:10  
   22  Jonathan Hastings, Jr       27:15  
   31  Joel Wegener, Sr            27:40  
Time = 2:13:47     Places = 41

2. St. John's
    3  Jeb Myers, Jr               26:41  
    4  Ryan Steines, Jr            26:41  
    8  Brad Bauer, So              26:49  
   13  LeRoy Popowski, Jr          26:58  
   20  Tony Kinzley, Jr            27:13  
   24  Adam Sparks, Jr             27:16  
   26  Jon Koch, So                27:23  
Time = 2:14:20     Places = 48

3. St. Thomas
    7  Colby Linnemann, Sr         26:46  
   14  Ben Tri, Sr                 26:58  
   16  Josh Kath, Fr               27:03  
   19  Jesse Godzala, Fr           27:12  
   25  Nick Knuth, So              27:20  
   28  Mark Paske, Jr              27:29  
   34  Jacob Hallen, Fr            27:44  
Time = 2:15:18     Places = 81

4. St. Olaf
    5  Eric Bergman, Fr            26:45  
   15  Bryce Wandrey, Fr           26:59  
   32  Lindsay Drangeid, Sr        27:42  
   39  Kevin Koch, Jr              28:19  
   42  Matt Sullivan, Sr           28:31  
   46  Jeff Thomas, So             28:39  
   48  Dan Dahl, Jr                28:47  
Time = 2:18:14     Places = 133

5. Hamline
   21  Kent Anderson, Sr           27:14  
   23  Tom Goeltl, Jr              27:16  
   35  Scott Pierce, Sr            27:53  
   38  Toby Selix, Jr              28:15  
   41  Jon Hager, So               28:25  
   47  Bob Engelhart, So           28:41  
   50  Pat McDonell, So            28:50  
Time = 2:19:01     Places = 158

6. Gustavus
    6  Dimitri Drekonja, Sr        26:45  
   12  Rauha Rahkola, Jr           26:58  
   37  Doug Cowles, Sr             28:14  
   56  Sedge Freeman, So           29:16  
   57  Pete Johnson, So            29:21  
   64  Ben Hadden, Sr              29:48  
   65  Jacob Dorer, Sr             29:52  
Time = 2:20:31     Places = 168

7. Bethel
   17  Travis Glanzer, Sr          27:09  
   30  Chad Whipple, Sr            27:38  
   43  Robb Stephens, So           28:34  
   45  Tony Sommars, Jr            28:37  
   52  Mike Kallenberg, So         28:59  
   54  Ben Anderson, So            29:11  
   70  Tom Cawcutt, Fr             30:12  
Time = 2:20:54     Places = 187

8. Macalester
   10  Justin Simon, Sr            26:53  
   27  Jasper Simon, Sr            27:24  
   33  Bob Elsinger, Jr            27:42  
   51  Justin Sands, So            28:57  
   67  Yasir Fattah, Sr            29:53  
   68  Elliot Goltz, Fr            29:55  
   69  Michael Palsgrove, Sr       29:56  
Time = 2:20:47     Places = 188

9. Augsburg
   29  Dan Spies, Fr               27:33  
   36  Jason Warren, Sr            27:55  
   53  Patrick Pelham, Fr          29:10  
   66  Matt Reller, So             29:53  
   75  Charles Cracraft, Fr        31:28  
   76  Tom Shaw, Sr                34:20  
   77  Dave Janaszak, Sr           36:00  
Time = 2:25:56     Places = 259

10. St. Mary's
   40  Brendan Hanley, So          28:21  
   49  Randy Frels, Fr             28:49  
   59  Martin Stensing, Fr         29:31  
   60  Jesse Murray, So            29:32  
   62  Jon Kosbab, Jr              29:36  
   73  Denny Green, So             30:42  
   74  Kevin Haugh, Fr             31:00  
Time = 2:25:48     Places = 270

11. Concordia
   44  William Keating, Jr         28:35  
   55  Nathan Voxland, Fr          29:12  
   58  Josh Lowman, Fr             29:21  
   61  Patrick Taylor, Fr          29:34  
   63  Martin Malzahn, Fr          29:43  
   71  Jason Meyer, So             30:24  
   72  Riley Bourdan, So           30:34  
Time = 2:26:23     Places = 281

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  Kevin Theissen, Sr          26:21    Carleton
    2     2  Daniel Virnig, Jr           26:29    Carleton
    3     3  Jeb Myers, Jr               26:41    St. John's
    4     4  Ryan Steines, Jr            26:41    St. John's
    5     5  Eric Bergman, Fr            26:45    St. Olaf
    6     6  Dimitri Drekonja, Sr        26:45    Gustavus
    7     7  Colby Linnemann, Sr         26:46    St. Thomas
    8     8  Brad Bauer, So              26:49    St. John's
    9     9  Philip Bowen, Sr            26:51    Carleton
   10    10  Justin Simon, Sr            26:53    Macalester
   11    11  William Martin, So          26:57    Carleton
   12    12  Rauha Rahkola, Jr           26:58    Gustavus
   13    13  LeRoy Popowski, Jr          26:58    St. John's
   14    14  Ben Tri, Sr                 26:58    St. Thomas
   15    15  Bryce Wandrey, Fr           26:59    St. Olaf
   16    16  Josh Kath, Fr               27:03    St. Thomas
   17    17  Travis Glanzer, Sr          27:09    Bethel
   18    18  Jonathan Bougie, Jr         27:10    Carleton
   19    19  Jesse Godzala, Fr           27:12    St. Thomas
   20    20  Tony Kinzley, Jr            27:13    St. John's
   21    21  Kent Anderson, Sr           27:14    Hamline
   22    22  Jonathan Hastings, Jr       27:15    Carleton
   23    23  Tom Goeltl, Jr              27:16    Hamline
   24    24  Adam Sparks, Jr             27:16    St. John's
   25    25  Nick Knuth, So              27:20    St. Thomas
   26    26  Jon Koch, So                27:23    St. John's
   27    27  Jasper Simon, Sr            27:24    Macalester
   28    28  Mark Paske, Jr              27:29    St. Thomas
   29    29  Dan Spies, Fr               27:33    Augsburg
   30    30  Chad Whipple, Sr            27:38    Bethel
   31    31  Joel Wegener, Sr            27:40    Carleton
   32    32  Lindsay Drangeid, Sr        27:42    St. Olaf
   33    33  Bob Elsinger, Jr            27:42    Macalester
   34    34  Jacob Hallen, Fr            27:44    St. Thomas
   35    35  Scott Pierce, Sr            27:53    Hamline
   36    36  Jason Warren, Sr            27:55    Augsburg
   37        Eric Barrett, Fr            27:56    St. Thomas
   38        Jon Carfield, So            27:59    St. Thomas
   39        Nick Andrea, Jr             28:06    St. John's
   40        Joshua Hoyle, So            28:07    Carleton
   41        Tim Dillon, Fr              28:13    St. Thomas
   42    37  Doug Cowles, Sr             28:14    Gustavus
   43    38  Toby Selix, Jr              28:15    Hamline
   44        Todd Obermiller, Fr         28:18    St. Thomas
   45    39  Kevin Koch, Jr              28:19    St. Olaf
   46    40  Brendan Hanley, So          28:21    St. Mary's
   47    41  Jon Hager, So               28:25    Hamline
   48        Pat Watson, So              28:28    St. Thomas
   49    42  Matt Sullivan, Sr           28:31    St. Olaf
   50        Mark Janikula, Fr           28:33    St. John's
   51    43  Robb Stephens, So           28:34    Bethel
   52    44  William Keating, Jr         28:35    Concordia
   53    45  Tony Sommars, Jr            28:37    Bethel
   54    46  Jeff Thomas, So             28:39    St. Olaf
   55    47  Bob Engelhart, So           28:41    Hamline
   56        Andrew Mattox, Fr           28:42    Carleton
   57        Daniel Feiveson, Jr         28:43    Carleton
   58        Elijah Levitt, So           28:44    Carleton
   59        Dan Simmons, So             28:46    St. John's
   60    48  Dan Dahl, Jr                28:47    St. Olaf
   61        Tim Santine, Fr             28:48    St. Thomas
   62        Roger Paquin, Fr            28:49    St. Olaf
   63    49  Randy Frels, Fr             28:49    St. Mary's
   64    50  Pat McDonell, So            28:50    Hamline
   65        Chris Hassing, So           28:50    Hamline
   66        Phil Sheridan, Jr           28:52    Hamline
   67        Rasheed Harris, Fr          28:55    St. Thomas
   68        Jeremy Beuch, So            28:55    St. John's
   69        Dona Bahls, Jr              28:56    St. Olaf
   70        John Guertin, Fr            28:56    St. John's
   71        Christopher Turner, Fr      28:56    Carleton
   72    51  Justin Sands, So            28:57    Macalester
   73        Eric Wiegmann, So           28:58    St. Thomas
   74        David Louis, So             28:59    St. Olaf
   75    52  Mike Kallenberg, So         28:59    Bethel
   76        Matt Flory, Sr              29:03    St. Olaf
   77        Jason Bierbrauer, Sr        29:05    Carleton
   78        Aaron Zeuli, Jr             29:07    St. Thomas
   79        Willy Arend, So             29:08    St. John's
   80    53  Patrick Pelham, Fr          29:10    Augsburg
   81    54  Ben Anderson, So            29:11    Bethel
   82    55  Nathan Voxland, Fr          29:12    Concordia
   83        Frank Bendewald, Fr         29:13    St. John's
   84        Per Nelson, Sr              29:14    St. Olaf
   85        Eric Hudson, Sr             29:16    St. Thomas
   86    56  Sedge Freeman, So           29:16    Gustavus
   87    57  Pete Johnson, So            29:21    Gustavus
   88    58  Josh Lowman, Fr             29:21    Concordia
   89        Jesse Stebbins, Fr          29:22    St. John's
   90        Morgan Holle, Jr            29:22    St. Olaf
   91        Derek Hageman, Sr           29:30    St. Thomas
   92    59  Martin Stensing, Fr         29:31    St. Mary's
   93        Kevin Roberts, Fr           29:32    St. Olaf
   94    60  Jesse Murray, So            29:32    St. Mary's
   95        Jamie Kilpatrick, Fr        29:33    St. Olaf
   96    61  Patrick Taylor, Fr          29:34    Concordia
   97    62  Jon Kosbab, Jr              29:36    St. Mary's
   98        John Blair, Fr              29:38    Carleton
   99        Brian Knutson, So           29:41    St. John's
  100        Dave Manning, Fr            29:42    St. John's
  101    63  Martin Malzahn, Fr          29:43    Concordia
  102        Matt Gifford, So            29:47    St. John's
  103    64  Ben Hadden, Sr              29:48    Gustavus
  104        Ben Knuth, Sr               29:48    St. John's
  105        Mark Sterk, Jr              29:49    St. John's
  106        Bryan Chang, So             29:51    Carleton
  107        James Riddle, Jr            29:52    Carleton
  108    65  Jacob Dorer, Sr             29:52    Gustavus
  109    66  Matt Reller, So             29:53    Augsburg
  110    67  Yasir Fattah, Sr            29:53    Macalester
  111    68  Elliot Goltz, Fr            29:55    Macalester
  112        Kyle Nolan, So              29:55    St. John's
  113    69  Michael Palsgrove, Sr       29:56    Macalester
  114        Eric Bunce, Jr              29:57    St. Thomas
  115        Dan Dittmer, Fr             30:01    Gustavus
  116        Dave Johnson, Sr            30:04    Gustavus
  117        Robert Morrissey, Fr        30:07    Carleton
  118        Christopher Harbison, So    30:09    Carleton
  119        Glen Tautges, Sr            30:10    St. John's
  120    70  Tom Cawcutt, Fr             30:12    Bethel
  121        Kyle Molin, So              30:15    Gustavus
  122        Matt Cartier, Jr            30:18    Gustavus
  123        Peter Elton, Jr             30:19    St. Olaf
  124        Tim Schwecke, So            30:21    St. Olaf
  125    71  Jason Meyer, So             30:24    Concordia
  126        Mustafa Qutub, So           30:25    Carleton
  127        Alexander Rylance, So       30:28    St. John's
  128        Matt Santala, So            30:30    Gustavus
  129        Micah Eastvold, Fr          30:32    Bethel
  130    72  Riley Bourdan, So           30:34    Concordia
  131        Luis Saenz, So              30:36    Macalester
  132        Dan Louvar, Jr              30:37    St. Thomas
  133        Joe Graf, Fr                30:38    St. Thomas
  134        Ben Goltz, Fr               30:39    Macalester
  135        Eric Stephens, Jr           30:39    St. Olaf
  136        Mike Christopherson, Fr     30:41    Gustavus
  137    73  Denny Green, So             30:42    St. Mary's
  138        Kyhl Lyndgaard, Fr          30:43    St. John's
  139        John Staub, So              30:43    Concordia
  140        Jeff Lindlief, Sr           30:59    Concordia
  141    74  Kevin Haugh, Fr             31:00    St. Mary's
  142        John Dexter, So             31:00    Gustavus
  143        Jason Cochran, Sr           31:09    St. Thomas
  144        Will Harrington, So         31:18    St. Olaf
  145        Joe Guenther, So            31:19    St. Mary's
  146        Daniel Bjerknes, Fr         31:21    Concordia
  147        Steven Gardiner, So         31:23    Carleton
  148    75  Charles Cracraft, Fr        31:28    Augsburg
  149        Josh Winter, Fr             31:29    Gustavus
  150        Mike Rudolph, Fr            31:35    St. Thomas
  151        Matt Stewart, So            31:42    St. Olaf
  152        John Nichol, So             31:43    St. Thomas
  153        Oskar Norlander, So         31:44    Gustavus
  154        Eric Swanson, Sr            31:47    Hamline
  155        Tody Hatlevig, Jr           31:54    Gustavus
  156        Jonas Anderson, Fr          32:09    St. Mary's
  157        Bryon Biondillio, So        32:14    Gustavus
  158        Douglas Escola, So          32:18    Carleton
  159        Ken Mueller, Fr             32:21    St. Mary's
  160        Gary Buttimer, Sr           32:39    St. Thomas
  161        Mark Ohlmann, Sr            32:47    Gustavus
  162        Jeremy Macheel, So          32:50    St. John's
  163        Adam Guenther, Jr           32:54    St. Mary's
  164        Dan Gulya, So               32:55    Macalester
  165        Michael Mandell, Fr         32:57    Carleton
  166        Ian Bronson, So             33:04    Bethel
  167        Luca Nickerson, Jr          33:20    Gustavus
  168        Zack Bates, Fr              33:26    St. John's
  169        Chris Stromberg, So         33:36    Gustavus
  170    76  Tom Shaw, Sr                34:20    Augsburg
  171        Marty Momsen, Jr            34:29    St. Mary's
  172        Timothy McMurry, Fr         34:35    Carleton
  173        Paul Cantrell, So           34:38    Macalester
  174    77  Dave Janaszak, Sr           36:00    Augsburg
  175        Jeremy Berndt, So           36:01    St. John's
  176        Rodney Mogen, Fr            38:20    Macalester
"*" indicates females
176 finishers among Men 127 & Under
176 male finishers
0 female finishers
176 total finishers

Results also available for women . Return to home page.