Willmar Optimist CC Invitational JV Boys

Eagle Creek Golf Course

Oct. 2, 2010

60 Degrees Sunny
Results by Brian Leibfried

Click on the "pace" links to move about through the results. Use the Find option of your Web Browser to find the performance of a specific individual or team.


  1 Hopkins                  37    2    3    9   11   12   17   18  18:36.3  0:28.8
  2 Moorhead                 55    5    6   10   13   21   23   32  18:50.5  0:48.5
  3 Buffalo                  68    1    4   16   19   28   40   54  18:55.9  1:34.8
  4 Willmar                  86    8   14   15   22   27   29   36  19:10.7  0:56.2
  5 Hutchinson              106    7   20   24   25   30   39   42  19:26.1  1:09.7
  6 Fargo North             165   26   33   34   35   37   38   43  19:56.6  0:25.9
  7 Mankato East            211   31   41   44   47   48   49   50  20:39.1  1:08.3
  8 Orono                   250   45   46   51   52   56   57   58  21:40.8  2:56.0
  9 Redwood Valley          288   53   55   59   60   61            25:31.5  6:05.2

Incomplete Teams: Canby-Minneota-Lincol
  ID#  PLACE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE

1. Hopkins
  277     2  Patrick Gallagher, 11      18:19.0    7:22
  303     3  Blake Mintalar, 11         18:22.9    7:24
  276     9  Reed Fischer, 10           18:44.4    7:32
  326    11  Jordan Taylor, 11          18:47.5    7:34
  269    12  Harris Dirnberger, 10      18:47.8    7:34
  298    17  Michael Larson, 12         19:07.9    7:42
  299    18  Matthew Lavanger, 9        19:08.5    7:42
Total Time = 93:01.4     Total Places = 37

2. Moorhead
  476     5  Kyle Bernier, 11           18:36.1    7:29
  484     6  Henry Dobbs, 12            18:38.7    7:30
  509    10  Myles Nicolai, 11          18:44.7    7:32
  506    13  Luke Monke-Lundberg, 12    18:48.4    7:34
  477    21  Mitch Bernier, 11          19:24.6    7:48
  517    23  Ben SuitBear, 11           19:30.3    7:51
  500    32  Michael Hoots, 10          19:54.9    8:01
Total Time = 94:12.3     Total Places = 55

3. Buffalo
   25     1  Andrei Casey, 10           18:06.1    7:17
   32     4  Frank Grahm, 8             18:27.1    7:25
   33    16  Isiah Green, 9             19:05.7    7:41
   56    19  Alex Rooney, 11            19:20.0    7:47
   40    28  Cody JacobsonHanson, 12    19:40.9    7:55
   31    40  Chandler Engle, 10         20:24.7    8:13
   42    54  Jordan Jacque, 9           22:27.6    9:02
Total Time = 94:39.5     Total Places = 68

4. Willmar
  651     8  Austin Miley, 9            18:44.0    7:32
  652    14  Zacharia Mohamed, 12       19:00.3    7:39
  629    15  Grant Christianson, 12     19:01.6    7:39
  664    22  Sam Schaefbauer, 9         19:27.3    7:50
  655    27  Zack Morris, 12            19:40.2    7:55
  669    29  Isaac Thompson, 9          19:42.0    7:55
  660    36  Andrew Pollock, 10         20:04.1    8:04
Total Time = 95:53.3     Total Places = 86

5. Hutchinson
  367     7  Max Karels, 11             18:41.1    7:31
  385    20  Alec Westlund, 10          19:24.3    7:48
  360    24  Corey Grand, 10            19:36.5    7:53
  383    25  Blaine Stephenson, 9       19:37.7    7:54
  358    30  Tyler Esser, 11            19:50.8    7:59
  384    39  Ryan Wersal, 10            20:10.9    8:07
  386    42  Aj Wilson, 7               20:42.5    8:20
Total Time = 97:10.2     Total Places = 106

6. Fargo North
  184    26  Andy Walton, 11            19:39.4    7:54
  168    33  Nathan Hegstad, 7          19:58.3    8:02
  174    34  Esham Moses, 10            19:59.8    8:03
  179    35  Daniel Salah, 10           20:00.4    8:03
  173    37  Ryan McCollum, 10          20:05.2    8:05
  162    38  Jonathan Bell-Clement, 10  20:06.9    8:05
  178    43  Steven Rider, 9            20:43.5    8:20
Total Time = 99:42.9     Total Places = 165

7. Mankato East
  415    31  Dylan Harms, 12            19:53.7    8:00
  423    41  Eric Ostgarden, 12         20:33.1    8:16
  407    44  Ryan Coopman, 11           20:46.9    8:22
  405    47  Kyle Baer, 11              20:59.8    8:27
  416    48  Logan Harms, 9             21:02.0    8:28
  422    49  Arlen Nett, 10             21:11.0    8:31
  410    50  Gabe Eichberger, 10        21:22.1    8:36
Total Time = 103:15.3     Total Places = 211

8. Orono
  548    45  Connor McLaughlin, 11      20:47.4    8:22
  544    46  Jack Johnson, 10           20:52.9    8:24
  538    51  Andrew Casey, 10           21:22.7    8:36
  541    52  Jacob Geiger, 10           21:37.8    8:42
  540    56  Jacob Davis, 9             23:43.4    9:33
  535    57  Adam Bergh, 10             24:11.3    9:44
  542    58  Zachary Hofkes, 10         24:27.2    9:50
Total Time = 108:24.0     Total Places = 250

9. Redwood Valley
  584    53  Wesley Peyerl, 9           22:07.4    8:54
  587    55  Alex Siegfried, 12         23:24.6    9:25
  573    59  Dustin Gransee, 11         26:45.4   10:46
  577    60  Nick Jansen, 12            27:07.6   10:55
  579    61  Jacob Kremin, 12           28:12.6   11:21
Total Time = 127:37.3     Total Places = 288
  ID#  PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE        TEAM         


25 1 1 Andrei Casey, 10 18:06.1 7:17 Buffalo 277 2 2 Patrick Gallagher, 11 18:19.0 7:22 Hopkins 303 3 3 Blake Mintalar, 11 18:22.9 7:24 Hopkins 32 4 4 Frank Grahm, 8 18:27.1 7:25 Buffalo 476 5 5 Kyle Bernier, 11 18:36.1 7:29 Moorhead 484 6 6 Henry Dobbs, 12 18:38.7 7:30 Moorhead 367 7 7 Max Karels, 11 18:41.1 7:31 Hutchinson 651 8 8 Austin Miley, 9 18:44.0 7:32 Willmar 276 9 9 Reed Fischer, 10 18:44.4 7:32 Hopkins 509 10 10 Myles Nicolai, 11 18:44.7 7:32 Moorhead 326 11 11 Jordan Taylor, 11 18:47.5 7:34 Hopkins 269 12 12 Harris Dirnberger, 10 18:47.8 7:34 Hopkins 506 13 13 Luke Monke-Lundberg, 12 18:48.4 7:34 Moorhead 652 14 14 Zacharia Mohamed, 12 19:00.3 7:39 Willmar 629 15 15 Grant Christianson, 12 19:01.6 7:39 Willmar 33 16 16 Isiah Green, 9 19:05.7 7:41 Buffalo 298 17 17 Michael Larson, 12 19:07.9 7:42 Hopkins 299 18 18 Matthew Lavanger, 9 19:08.5 7:42 Hopkins 330 19 Leif vanLierop, 10 19:15.7 7:45 Hopkins 56 20 19 Alex Rooney, 11 19:20.0 7:47 Buffalo 385 21 20 Alec Westlund, 10 19:24.3 7:48 Hutchinson 477 22 21 Mitch Bernier, 11 19:24.6 7:48 Moorhead 255 23 Morgan Bolstad, 10 19:26.4 7:49 Hopkins 664 24 22 Sam Schaefbauer, 9 19:27.3 7:50 Willmar 280 25 John Harn, 11 19:29.9 7:51 Hopkins 517 26 23 Ben SuitBear, 11 19:30.3 7:51 Moorhead 360 27 24 Corey Grand, 10 19:36.5 7:53 Hutchinson 383 28 25 Blaine Stephenson, 9 19:37.7 7:54 Hutchinson 184 29 26 Andy Walton, 11 19:39.4 7:54 Fargo North 655 30 27 Zack Morris, 12 19:40.2 7:55 Willmar 40 31 28 Cody JacobsonHanson, 12 19:40.9 7:55 Buffalo 669 32 29 Isaac Thompson, 9 19:42.0 7:55 Willmar 306 33 John Narum, 11 19:45.5 7:57 Hopkins 685 34 Christian Hoegstroem, 12 19:47.7 7:58 Hopkins 358 35 30 Tyler Esser, 11 19:50.8 7:59 Hutchinson

Pace: 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top

415 36 31 Dylan Harms, 12 19:53.7 8:00 Mankato East 500 37 32 Michael Hoots, 10 19:54.9 8:01 Moorhead 168 38 33 Nathan Hegstad, 7 19:58.3 8:02 Fargo North 174 39 34 Esham Moses, 10 19:59.8 8:03 Fargo North 179 40 35 Daniel Salah, 10 20:00.4 8:03 Fargo North 488 41 Josh Evavold, 9 20:02.2 8:04 Moorhead 263 42 Matthew Carlson, 12 20:03.3 8:04 Hopkins 297 43 Danny Larson, 10 20:03.6 8:04 Hopkins 660 44 36 Andrew Pollock, 10 20:04.1 8:04 Willmar 173 45 37 Ryan McCollum, 10 20:05.2 8:05 Fargo North 162 46 38 Jonathan Bell-Clement, 10 20:06.9 8:05 Fargo North 384 47 39 Ryan Wersal, 10 20:10.9 8:07 Hutchinson 455 48 Leanne Larson, 10 20:13.3 8:08 Moorhead 485 49 Jake Donahue, 12 20:20.2 8:11 Moorhead 31 50 40 Chandler Engle, 10 20:24.7 8:13 Buffalo 261 51 Ben Calvert, 11 20:25.9 8:13 Hopkins 646 52 Shawn Johnson, 11 20:26.2 8:13 Willmar 479 53 Jason Blanshan, 11 20:26.5 8:13 Moorhead 625 54 Drue Backhaus, 12 20:28.9 8:14 Willmar 423 55 41 Eric Ostgarden, 12 20:33.1 8:16 Mankato East 630 56 Kai Christianson, 9 20:33.4 8:16 Willmar 454 57 Anna Knutson, 7 20:34.0 8:16 Moorhead 512 58 Elijah Olson, 9 20:34.5 8:17 Moorhead 386 59 42 Aj Wilson, 7 20:42.5 8:20 Hutchinson 178 60 43 Steven Rider, 9 20:43.5 8:20 Fargo North 657 61 Chris Muldrow, 9 20:44.1 8:20 Willmar 374 62 Andrew Mohr, 9 20:45.7 8:21 Hutchinson 407 63 44 Ryan Coopman, 11 20:46.9 8:22 Mankato East 548 64 45 Connor McLaughlin, 11 20:47.4 8:22 Orono 544 65 46 Jack Johnson, 10 20:52.9 8:24 Orono 175 66 Calvin Nordsletten, 9 20:53.3 8:24 Fargo North 405 67 47 Kyle Baer, 11 20:59.8 8:27 Mankato East 633 68 Grant deCathelineau, 10 21:01.2 8:27 Willmar 416 69 48 Logan Harms, 9 21:02.0 8:28 Mankato East 492 70 Bryn Gelbart, 10 21:05.2 8:29 Moorhead 641 71 Ryan Haines, 10 21:10.0 8:31 Willmar 648 72 Matthew Konieczny, 12 21:10.7 8:31 Willmar 422 73 49 Arlen Nett, 10 21:11.0 8:31 Mankato East 321 74 Neil Stein, 10 21:13.4 8:32 Hopkins 354 75 Austin Anderson, 10 21:14.1 8:32 Hutchinson 248 76 Logan Athmann, 9 21:15.8 8:33 Hopkins 368 77 Aaron Karl, 12 21:16.8 8:34 Hutchinson 251 78 Joel Benjamin, 12 21:18.5 8:34 Hopkins 410 79 50 Gabe Eichberger, 10 21:22.1 8:36 Mankato East 538 80 51 Andrew Casey, 10 21:22.7 8:36 Orono 315 81 Joseph Ravits, 11 21:23.6 8:36 Hopkins 359 82 Joel Getzke, 10 21:24.1 8:37 Hutchinson 246 83 David Abel, 12 21:25.7 8:37 Hopkins 643 84 Josh Holtz, 9 21:29.4 8:39 Willmar 361 85 Caleb Harris, 9 21:30.0 8:39 Hutchinson 638 86 Tyler Gettel, 9 21:30.7 8:39 Willmar 541 87 52 Jacob Geiger, 10 21:37.8 8:42 Orono 167 88 Sanders Ellingson, 9 21:38.5 8:42 Fargo North 259 89 Vincent Bredemus, 10 21:40.6 8:43 Hopkins 105 90 Christian Full, 9 21:42.1 8:44 Canby-Minneota-Lincol 186 91 Ben Wenzel, 8 21:43.1 8:44 Fargo North 96 92 Jack Anundson, 10 21:44.0 8:45 Canby-Minneota-Lincol 272 93 Brian Esch, 10 21:44.4 8:45 Hopkins 267 94 John Connelly, 11 21:45.6 8:45 Hopkins 116 95 Westley Skogen, 11 21:46.1 8:45 Canby-Minneota-Lincol 515 96 Matthew Olson, 9 21:50.2 8:47 Moorhead 519 97 Harrison Thier, 12 21:52.1 8:48 Moorhead 414 98 Dan Halvorson, 10 21:52.9 8:48 Mankato East 362 99 Eric Hoffman, 9 21:59.1 8:51 Hutchinson 164 100 Michael Dahl, 11 22:04.1 8:53 Fargo North 659 101 Austin Pakola, 12 22:05.8 8:53 Willmar 584 102 53 Wesley Peyerl, 9 22:07.4 8:54 Redwood Valley 427 103 Robert Strand, 11 22:07.7 8:54 Mankato East 176 104 Evan Poitra, 10 22:10.2 8:55 Fargo North 275 105 Jake Fiedler, 12 22:13.9 8:57 Hopkins 170 106 Alex Krieg, 12 22:19.4 8:59 Fargo North
Pace: 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top

647 107 Mike Kerstetter, 11 22:24.7 9:01 Willmar 42 108 54 Jordan Jacque, 9 22:27.6 9:02 Buffalo 271 109 Andrew Esch, 12 22:32.8 9:04 Hopkins 408 110 Jack Cunningham, 9 22:37.9 9:06 Mankato East 329 111 Christiaan vanLierop, 9 22:41.2 9:08 Hopkins 377 112 Jonah Reid, 9 22:42.9 9:08 Hutchinson 279 113 Andrew Hall, 11 22:44.8 9:09 Hopkins 254 114 Christopher Boisjolie, 10 22:46.3 9:10 Hopkins 379 115 Jared Saunders, 10 23:07.4 9:18 Hutchinson 587 116 55 Alex Siegfried, 12 23:24.6 9:25 Redwood Valley 540 117 56 Jacob Davis, 9 23:43.4 9:33 Orono 656 118 Kaafi Mudey, 11 23:58.0 9:38 Willmar 675 119 Jesse Zupke, 12 24:09.2 9:43 Willmar 535 120 57 Adam Bergh, 10 24:11.3 9:44 Orono 36 121 Bryce Hane, 9 24:18.6 9:47 Buffalo 35 122 Levi Haapala, 10 24:21.4 9:48 Buffalo 542 123 58 Zachary Hofkes, 10 24:27.2 9:50 Orono 250 124 Daniel Bach, 11 24:36.3 9:54 Hopkins 106 125 Riley Full, 9 24:43.0 9:57 Canby-Minneota-Lincol 304 126 Edward Mitchell, 11 24:44.0 9:57 Hopkins
Pace: 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top

676 127 Hyub Kim, 11 24:55.7 10:02 Mankato East 428 128 Tyler VanEck, 10 25:05.3 10:06 Mankato East 270 129 Saxon Dorshow, 12 25:18.3 10:11 Hopkins 429 130 Michael Zellar, 10 25:25.2 10:14 Mankato East 573 131 59 Dustin Gransee, 11 26:45.4 10:46 Redwood Valley 577 132 60 Nick Jansen, 12 27:07.6 10:55 Redwood Valley
Pace: 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top

534 133 Eric Bakken, 9 28:00.9 11:16 Orono 579 134 61 Jacob Kremin, 12 28:12.6 11:21 Redwood Valley
Pace: 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top

547 135 Connor Lindholm, 10 30:39.4 12:20 Orono 133 finishers among Open Men 2 finishers among Open Women 133 male finishers 2 female finishers 135 total finishers
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