MSHSL Section 7AA Championships Girls

Elk River Country Club

Oct. 25, 2007

Results by White River Sports Timing

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Qualifiers shown in red.


  1 Grand Rapids            52   6  10  11  12  13  14  32  15:55.2  0:27.1

  2 Elk River               96   1  15  21  26  33  38  75  16:13.3  1:51.5

  3 Cloquet                106   3   4  19  35  45  53  66  16:21.6  1:39.8

  4 North Branch           122  17  20  24  25  36  39  41  16:32.1  0:46.0

  5 Duluth East            123  16  23  27  28  29  43  57  16:32.2  0:24.3

  6 Forest Lake            129   8   9  22  34  56  61  65  16:29.1  1:50.1

  7 Hermantown             187  18  37  42  44  46  49  58  17:01.4  1:02.1

  8 St. Francis            188   2   5  59  60  62  67  70  16:51.9  2:12.9

  9 Hibbing                212   7  40  47  50  68  69  77  17:07.6  2:19.9

 10 Princeton              256  30  31  52  71  72  78  81  17:29.7  1:39.4

 11 Cambridge-Isanti       293  48  54  55  63  73  80  83  17:43.3  1:11.3

 12 Duluth Central         344  51  64  74  76  79  82  84  18:20.0  1:43.8

Incomplete Teams: Duluth Denfeld, Chisago Lakes


 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Grand Rapids

    6  Morgan Illikainen, 9       15:42.5  

   10  Kahla Erickson, 10         15:46.4  

   11  Marissa Salo, 8            15:51.7  

   12  Kari Sheppard, 7           16:05.8  

   13  Kim Rostvold, 12           16:09.6  

   14  Rachel Schulte, 7          16:12.5  

   32  Markie DeGrio, 11          16:49.3  

Total Time = 1:19:36.0     Total Places = 52

2. Elk River

    1  Emma Bates, 10             15:02.3  

   15  Elizabeth Dargay, 11       16:13.3  

   21  Victoria Janasz, 10        16:19.6  

   26  Renee Crepeau, 11          16:37.4  

   33  Katie Hanson, 9            16:53.8  

   38  Jenna Berkley, 12          17:03.5  

   75  Jane Kallemeyn, 9          18:35.4  

Total Time = 1:21:06.4     Total Places = 96

3. Cloquet

    3  Amy Campbell, 8            15:36.9  

    4  Becca Sorenson, 12         15:36.9  

   19  Halee Peterson, 9          16:17.1  

   35  Emily Rikkola, 7           17:00.1  

   45  Sadie Lundquist, 11        17:16.7  

   53  Kayla Masessa, 8           17:26.9  

   66  Danielle Anderson, 8       17:58.5  

Total Time = 1:21:47.7     Total Places = 106

4. North Branch

   17  Ali Zimmerman, 9           16:15.4  

   20  Miranda Charley, 10        16:17.8  

   24  Briana Berthiaume, 11      16:31.1  

   25  Dani Privratsky, 11        16:34.4  

   36  Haley Hasleiet, 10         17:01.4  

   39  Kendra Norman, 9           17:06.1  

   41  Shayna Gray, 9             17:12.3  

Total Time = 1:22:40.1     Total Places = 122

5. Duluth East

   16  Emily Yetter, 10           16:15.1  

   23  Sarah Allen, 11            16:29.5  

   27  Macie Dorow, 9             16:38.2  

   28  Emily Anderson, 7          16:38.7  

   29  Carrie Walls, 9            16:39.4  

   43  Marian Lund, 10            17:15.5  

   57  Teresa Moore, 11           17:38.9  

Total Time = 1:22:40.9     Total Places = 123

6. Forest Lake

    8  Elizabeth Peterson, 9      15:44.7  

    9  Gina Lange, 11             15:44.8  

   22  Holly Winberg, 8           16:23.7  

   34  Mackenzie Galleberg, 8     16:57.5  

   56  Annie Dehmlow, 12          17:34.8  

   61  Julia Hipp, 9              17:44.2  

   65  Megan Gooley, 11           17:53.6  

Total Time = 1:22:25.5     Total Places = 129

7. Hermantown

   18  Nikki Schminski, 12        16:16.0  

   37  Renee Runia, 12            17:03.0  

   42  Jess Harper, 9             17:13.7  

   44  Haley Wargin, 7            17:16.0  

   46  Tanya Templer, 11          17:18.1  

   49  Niila Witikko, 9           17:21.2  

   58  Rachael Hoium, 8           17:39.4  

Total Time = 1:25:06.8     Total Places = 187

8. St. Francis

    2  Samantha Rivard, 9         15:33.4  

    5  Kayla Johnson, 10          15:37.4  

   59  Briana Johnson, 11         17:40.8  

   60  Leah Trombley, 11          17:41.2  

   62  Katie Hicks, 10            17:46.3  

   67  Nicole Fogelman, 11        18:03.0  

   70  Liz Barrett, 10            18:09.4  

Total Time = 1:24:19.1     Total Places = 188

9. Hibbing

    7  Tatum Garrity, 10          15:44.2  

   40  Jackie Kepler, 8           17:07.7  

   47  Chelsea Davidson, 12       17:18.8  

   50  Hailee Wilkerson, 11       17:23.1  

   68  Kaitlin Buchwitz, 7        18:04.1  

   69  Jessica Marsalla, 7        18:08.3  

   77  Kayla Swanson, 7           18:49.4  

Total Time = 1:25:37.9     Total Places = 212

10. Princeton

   30  Shannon Guse, 12           16:41.8  

   31  Bailey Kampa, 9            16:45.0  

   52  Louise Thompson, 11        17:24.9  

   71  Traci Arnold, 11           18:15.4  

   72  Mya Meixell, 7             18:21.2  

   78  Mica Harris, 9             18:59.2  

   81  Maria Thompson, 9          19:18.1  

Total Time = 1:27:28.3     Total Places = 256

11. Cambridge-Isanti

   48  Jashlyn Yang, 11           17:19.7  

   54  Emily Head, 10             17:27.1  

   55  Emily Steele, 11           17:28.4  

   63  Amber Benson, 7            17:50.3  

   73  Maranda Heinks, 12         18:31.0  

   80  Morgan Smith, 8            19:17.3  

   83  Amanda Olander, 8          19:31.0  

Total Time = 1:28:36.5     Total Places = 293

12. Duluth Central

   51  Maggie Kucera, 10          17:24.5  

   64  Mary VonRueden, 9          17:51.3  

   74  Misty Allen, 12            18:32.0  

   76  Sophie LaFond, 10          18:43.5  

   79  Ashley Waterhouse, 12      19:08.3  

   82  Beth Halverson, 12         19:20.6  

   84  Anna Halverson, 10         20:21.4  

Total Time = 1:31:39.6     Total Places = 344


 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


1 1 Emma Bates, 10 15:02.3 Elk River 2 2 Samantha Rivard, 9 15:33.4 St. Francis 3 3 Amy Campbell, 8 15:36.9 Cloquet 4 4 Becca Sorenson, 12 15:36.9 Cloquet 5 5 Kayla Johnson, 10 15:37.4 St. Francis 6 6 Morgan Illikainen, 9 15:42.5 Grand Rapids 7 7 Tatum Garrity, 10 15:44.2 Hibbing 8 8 Elizabeth Peterson, 9 15:44.7 Forest Lake 9 9 Gina Lange, 11 15:44.8 Forest Lake 10 10 Kahla Erickson, 10 15:46.4 Grand Rapids 11 11 Marissa Salo, 8 15:51.7 Grand Rapids 12 12 Kari Sheppard, 7 16:05.8 Grand Rapids 13 13 Kim Rostvold, 12 16:09.6 Grand Rapids 14 14 Rachel Schulte, 7 16:12.5 Grand Rapids 15 15 Elizabeth Dargay, 11 16:13.3 Elk River 16 16 Emily Yetter, 10 16:15.1 Duluth East 17 17 Ali Zimmerman, 9 16:15.4 North Branch 18 18 Nikki Schminski, 12 16:16.0 Hermantown 19 19 Halee Peterson, 9 16:17.1 Cloquet 20 20 Miranda Charley, 10 16:17.8 North Branch 21 21 Victoria Janasz, 10 16:19.6 Elk River 22 22 Holly Winberg, 8 16:23.7 Forest Lake 23 23 Sarah Allen, 11 16:29.5 Duluth East 24 24 Briana Berthiaume, 11 16:31.1 North Branch 25 25 Dani Privratsky, 11 16:34.4 North Branch 26 26 Renee Crepeau, 11 16:37.4 Elk River 27 27 Macie Dorow, 9 16:38.2 Duluth East 28 28 Emily Anderson, 7 16:38.7 Duluth East 29 29 Carrie Walls, 9 16:39.4 Duluth East 30 30 Shannon Guse, 12 16:41.8 Princeton 31 31 Bailey Kampa, 9 16:45.0 Princeton 32 32 Markie DeGrio, 11 16:49.3 Grand Rapids 33 33 Katie Hanson, 9 16:53.8 Elk River 34 Paige Straitioti, 9 16:57.1 Duluth Denfeld 35 34 Mackenzie Galleberg, 8 16:57.5 Forest Lake 36 35 Emily Rikkola, 7 17:00.1 Cloquet 37 36 Haley Hasleiet, 10 17:01.4 North Branch 38 37 Renee Runia, 12 17:03.0 Hermantown 39 38 Jenna Berkley, 12 17:03.5 Elk River 40 39 Kendra Norman, 9 17:06.1 North Branch 41 40 Jackie Kepler, 8 17:07.7 Hibbing 42 41 Shayna Gray, 9 17:12.3 North Branch 43 42 Jess Harper, 9 17:13.7 Hermantown 44 43 Marian Lund, 10 17:15.5 Duluth East 45 44 Haley Wargin, 7 17:16.0 Hermantown 46 45 Sadie Lundquist, 11 17:16.7 Cloquet 47 46 Tanya Templer, 11 17:18.1 Hermantown 48 47 Chelsea Davidson, 12 17:18.8 Hibbing 49 48 Jashlyn Yang, 11 17:19.7 Cambridge-Isanti 50 49 Niila Witikko, 9 17:21.2 Hermantown 51 50 Hailee Wilkerson, 11 17:23.1 Hibbing 52 51 Maggie Kucera, 10 17:24.5 Duluth Central 53 52 Louise Thompson, 11 17:24.9 Princeton 54 53 Kayla Masessa, 8 17:26.9 Cloquet 55 54 Emily Head, 10 17:27.1 Cambridge-Isanti 56 55 Emily Steele, 11 17:28.4 Cambridge-Isanti 57 56 Annie Dehmlow, 12 17:34.8 Forest Lake 58 57 Teresa Moore, 11 17:38.9 Duluth East 59 58 Rachael Hoium, 8 17:39.4 Hermantown 60 59 Briana Johnson, 11 17:40.8 St. Francis 61 60 Leah Trombley, 11 17:41.2 St. Francis 62 Chelsea Johnson, 10 17:41.7 Chisago Lakes 63 61 Julia Hipp, 9 17:44.2 Forest Lake 64 62 Katie Hicks, 10 17:46.3 St. Francis 65 63 Amber Benson, 7 17:50.3 Cambridge-Isanti 66 Makayla Grote, 11 17:51.1 Chisago Lakes 67 64 Mary VonRueden, 9 17:51.3 Duluth Central 68 65 Megan Gooley, 11 17:53.6 Forest Lake 69 66 Danielle Anderson, 8 17:58.5 Cloquet 70 67 Nicole Fogelman, 11 18:03.0 St. Francis 71 68 Kaitlin Buchwitz, 7 18:04.1 Hibbing 72 69 Jessica Marsalla, 7 18:08.3 Hibbing 73 70 Liz Barrett, 10 18:09.4 St. Francis 74 71 Traci Arnold, 11 18:15.4 Princeton 75 72 Mya Meixell, 7 18:21.2 Princeton 76 73 Maranda Heinks, 12 18:31.0 Cambridge-Isanti 77 74 Misty Allen, 12 18:32.0 Duluth Central 78 75 Jane Kallemeyn, 9 18:35.4 Elk River 79 76 Sophie LaFond, 10 18:43.5 Duluth Central 80 Bailey Sutherland, 11 18:47.6 Duluth Denfeld 81 77 Kayla Swanson, 7 18:49.4 Hibbing 82 78 Mica Harris, 9 18:59.2 Princeton 83 79 Ashley Waterhouse, 12 19:08.3 Duluth Central 84 80 Morgan Smith, 8 19:17.3 Cambridge-Isanti 85 81 Maria Thompson, 9 19:18.1 Princeton 86 82 Beth Halverson, 12 19:20.6 Duluth Central 87 Becca Schmidt, 11 19:26.5 Chisago Lakes 88 83 Amanda Olander, 8 19:31.0 Cambridge-Isanti 89 Laura Eastman, 10 20:07.9 Chisago Lakes 90 Hayley Reider, 11 20:08.1 Duluth Denfeld 91 84 Anna Halverson, 10 20:21.4 Duluth Central 92 Katie Smart, 11 20:31.4 Duluth Denfeld

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