Irish Invitational C Boys

Rosemount High School

Sept. 3, 2005

Results by Apple Raceberry Jam

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Results also available for girls


  1   Minnetonka               39    5    7    8    9   10   12   13   12:11.5      13.3
  2   Rosemount                49    2    3    6   18   20   27   32   12:23.2    1:15.8
  3   Mounds View              93    1   17   22   25   28   30   41   12:50.7    1:26.0
  4   Chaska                  114   15   16   19   21   43   45   51   13:09.3      59.0
  5   Rochester Century       121   14   23   24   29   31   33   35   13:07.0      27.1
  6   Rochester Mayo          144   11   26   34   36   37   38   42   13:12.9    1:08.9
  7   Robbinsdale Armstrong   187    4   40   46   47   50   53   67   13:38.6    2:27.7
  8   Champlin Park           255   39   44   48   59   65             14:44.3    2:44.3
  9   Math&Science Academy    279   49   52   56   58   64   66   68   15:12.5    1:51.6
 10   Prior Lake              287   54   55   57   60   61   62   63   15:17.8    1:17.0



1. Minnetonka
    5  Eric Anenson, 9             12:02.4  
    7  Pat Grover, 9               12:11.7  
    8  Adam Blackey, 9             12:12.7  
    9  Max Henke, 9                12:15.0  
   10  Kyle Reilly, 9              12:15.7  
   12  Michael Brown, 9            12:30.5  
   13  Andy Wiersum, 9             12:32.6  
Time = 1:00:57.4     Places = 39

2. Rosemount
    2  Matt Koppang, 11            11:47.2  
    3  Andrew Comstock, 9          11:54.5  
    6  Tristan Pitre, 10           12:10.3  
   18  Robbie Albert, 9            13:01.2  
   20  Brent Haglund, 9            13:03.0  
   27  Ethan Shervey, 10           13:11.9  
   32  Michael Evenocheck, 10      13:19.4  
Time = 1:01:56.0     Places = 49

3. Mounds View
    1  Mike Shelendich, 11         11:46.6  
   17  Matt Erickson, 11           12:59.3  
   22  Kevin Anderson, 10          13:06.3  
   25  Brian Stephenson, 12        13:08.7  
   28  Brandon Bigelbach, 9        13:12.5  
   30  Sam Louwagie, 9             13:15.1  
   41  Peter Erickson, 10          13:37.5  
Time = 1:04:13.2     Places = 93

4. Chaska
   15  Dan Elenz, 10               12:51.9  
   16  Jon Roatch, 10              12:55.8  
   19  Kellen McMillen, 9          13:02.6  
   21  Eddie Van Pelt, 9           13:05.3  
   43  Chad Claybaugh, 8           13:50.8  
   45  Adam Magness, 9             13:57.1  
   51  Trent Claybaugh, 7          14:30.9  
Time = 1:05:46.2     Places = 114

5. Rochester Century
   14  Kyle Weinmann, 10           12:49.5  
   23  John Goeke, 10              13:07.1  
   24  Robert Knauer, 10           13:07.6  
   29  Mark Mickow, 9              13:14.5  
   31  Scott Swatosh, 11           13:16.5  
   33  Conner Judd, 12             13:22.9  
   35  Tyler Anderson, 11          13:30.1  
Time = 1:05:35.0     Places = 121

6. Rochester Mayo
   11  Guhad Roble, 8              12:24.5  
   26  John Kelly, 11              13:10.5  
   34  Sandip Suresh, 10           13:23.6  
   36  Matt Edwards, 10            13:32.4  
   37  Ben Cornick, 11             13:33.4  
   38  Ryan Ihrke, 11              13:34.2  
   42  Simon Bizien, 8             13:46.3  
Time = 1:06:04.1     Places = 144

7. Robbinsdale Armstrong
    4  Greg Debelser, 11           12:00.2  
   40  Joe Weber, 12               13:37.2  
   46  John Brekke, 10             14:01.2  
   47  Brian Walsh, 12             14:06.4  
   50  Sebasthian Monsalves, 12    14:27.9  
   53  Ben Heigl, 11               14:37.9  
   67  Scott McMahon, 9            16:47.5  
Time = 1:08:12.7     Places = 187

8. Champlin Park
   39  Caleb Pheneger, 9           13:36.7  
   44  Evan Justin, 9              13:52.6  
   48  Josh Stuelke, 9             14:20.5  
   59  Simon Mui, 9                15:30.7  
   65  Matt Henningsgaard, 9       16:20.9  
Time = 1:13:41.1     Places = 255

9. Math&Science Academy
   49  Alex Bosch, 9               14:24.4  
   52  Aren Siekmeir, 7            14:37.3  
   56  Alex Miller, 9              15:15.3  
   58  Ben Kofalt, 9               15:29.7  
   64  Tom Wallace, 7              16:16.0  
   66  Brian Reick, 7              16:27.0  
   68  Clarence King, 9            17:05.5  
Time = 1:16:02.4     Places = 279

10. Prior Lake
   54  Justin Schlitz, 8           14:43.3  
   55  Tim Fredrickson, 9          14:45.5  
   57  Dimitri Angelo, 9           15:28.3  
   60  Kyle Anderson, 10           15:31.3  
   61  Cody Kueker, 9              16:00.3  
   62  Daniel Koutsky, 9           16:06.9  
   63  James Amundson, 9           16:15.2  
Time = 1:16:28.6     Places = 287

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  Mike Shelendich, 11         11:46.6    Mounds View
    2     2  Matt Koppang, 11            11:47.2    Rosemount
    3     3  Andrew Comstock, 9          11:54.5    Rosemount
    4     4  Greg Debelser, 11           12:00.2    Robbinsdale Armstrong
    5     5  Eric Anenson, 9             12:02.4    Minnetonka
    6     6  Tristan Pitre, 10           12:10.3    Rosemount
    7        Sean Mackin, 9              12:11.5    Mahtomedi
    8     7  Pat Grover, 9               12:11.7    Minnetonka
    9     8  Adam Blackey, 9             12:12.7    Minnetonka
   10     9  Max Henke, 9                12:15.0    Minnetonka
   11    10  Kyle Reilly, 9              12:15.7    Minnetonka
   12    11  Guhad Roble, 8              12:24.5    Rochester Mayo
   13    12  Michael Brown, 9            12:30.5    Minnetonka
   14    13  Andy Wiersum, 9             12:32.6    Minnetonka
   15        Charlie Hansen, 9           12:39.0    Minnetonka
   16        Zak Carlsgaard, 9           12:40.3    Mahtomedi
   17        Michael Langseth, 9         12:42.7    Minnetonka
   18        Ryan Anderson, 9            12:44.5    Minnetonka
   19        Michael Pocrnich, 9         12:48.5    Minnetonka
   20    14  Kyle Weinmann, 10           12:49.5    Rochester Century
   21        Ben Skogen, 9               12:50.2    Minnetonka
   22    15  Dan Elenz, 10               12:51.9    Chaska
   23    16  Jon Roatch, 10              12:55.8    Chaska
   24        Travis Wong, 9              12:57.4    Minnetonka
   25        Travis Hackley, 9           12:57.6    Mahtomedi
   26    17  Matt Erickson, 11           12:59.3    Mounds View
   27    18  Robbie Albert, 9            13:01.2    Rosemount
   28    19  Kellen McMillen, 9          13:02.6    Chaska
   29        Matt Anderson, 12           13:02.8    Minnetonka
   30    20  Brent Haglund, 9            13:03.0    Rosemount
   31        Gary Ahlm, 10               13:03.7    Minnetonka
   32    21  Eddie Van Pelt, 9           13:05.3    Chaska
   33    22  Kevin Anderson, 10          13:06.3    Mounds View
   34    23  John Goeke, 10              13:07.1    Rochester Century
   35    24  Robert Knauer, 10           13:07.6    Rochester Century
   36    25  Brian Stephenson, 12        13:08.7    Mounds View
   37    26  John Kelly, 11              13:10.5    Rochester Mayo
   38    27  Ethan Shervey, 10           13:11.9    Rosemount
   39    28  Brandon Bigelbach, 9        13:12.5    Mounds View
   40    29  Mark Mickow, 9              13:14.5    Rochester Century
   41    30  Sam Louwagie, 9             13:15.1    Mounds View
   42        Spencer Barrett, 10         13:15.4    Minnetonka
   43    31  Scott Swatosh, 11           13:16.5    Rochester Century
   44        Michael Mengler, 9          13:18.6    Minnetonka
   45    32  Michael Evenocheck, 10      13:19.4    Rosemount
   46    33  Conner Judd, 12             13:22.9    Rochester Century
   47    34  Sandip Suresh, 10           13:23.6    Rochester Mayo
   48        Lucas Judd, 9               13:25.6    Minnetonka
   49        Aaron Newman, 9             13:26.6    Rosemount
   50    35  Tyler Anderson, 11          13:30.1    Rochester Century
   51        Luke Schofield, 9           13:31.8    Rosemount
   52    36  Matt Edwards, 10            13:32.4    Rochester Mayo
   53    37  Ben Cornick, 11             13:33.4    Rochester Mayo
   54    38  Ryan Ihrke, 11              13:34.2    Rochester Mayo
   55    39  Caleb Pheneger, 9           13:36.7    Champlin Park
   56    40  Joe Weber, 12               13:37.2    Robbinsdale Armstrong
   57    41  Peter Erickson, 10          13:37.5    Mounds View
   58        Alex Bichler, 10            13:41.9    Rosemount
   59        Jeff O'Brien, 10            13:43.0    Minnetonka
   60    42  Simon Bizien, 8             13:46.3    Rochester Mayo
   61        Mike Nelson, 9              13:47.5    Mounds View
   62        Jordan Mogck, 11            13:47.7    Mounds View
   63        Jason Post, 10              13:48.4    Rochester Century
   64        Derek Britson, 11           13:49.2    Rochester Century
   65        Ian Lewenstein, 9           13:50.0    Mounds View
   66    43  Chad Claybaugh, 8           13:50.8    Chaska
   67    44  Evan Justin, 9              13:52.6    Champlin Park
   68        Trent Wells, 12             13:53.0    Rochester Century
   69        Eric Reilly, 12             13:53.5    Minnetonka
   70        William Klema, 12           13:53.8    Rochester Century
   71        Brady Williams, 9           13:56.4    Minnetonka
   72    45  Adam Magness, 9             13:57.1    Chaska
   73        Mike Foley, 12              13:58.6    Mounds View
   74        Jordan Voller, 11           13:59.3    Rochester Century
   75    46  John Brekke, 10             14:01.2    Robbinsdale Armstrong
   76        Matthew Wong, 9             14:02.3    Mahtomedi
   77        Michael Pederson, 9         14:05.4    Rochester Century
   78    47  Brian Walsh, 12             14:06.4    Robbinsdale Armstrong
   79        Matt Piersak, 10            14:08.0    Mounds View
   80        Justin Maeck, 10            14:10.9    Rosemount
   81        Thomas Shellum, 7           14:12.7    Rochester Mayo
   82        Andrew Kochie, 12           14:14.0    Rochester Mayo
   83        Nate Erwin, 9               14:15.8    Rochester Mayo
   84        Timothy Clark, 12           14:16.6    Rochester Mayo
   85        Matt Matuseski, 10          14:17.6    Rosemount
   86        Dylan Gilbertson, 7         14:18.4    Rochester Century
   87        Andrew Suby, 11             14:20.1    Rochester Century
   88    48  Josh Stuelke, 9             14:20.5    Champlin Park
   89        Gabe Moreno, 12             14:22.3    Rochester Mayo
   90        Timmy Boger, 10             14:24.0    Rochester Century
   91    49  Alex Bosch, 9               14:24.4    Math&Science Academy
   92    50  Sebasthian Monsalves, 12    14:27.9    Robbinsdale Armstrong
   93    51  Trent Claybaugh, 7          14:30.9    Chaska
   94        Russ Peterson, 10           14:32.1    Rochester Century
   95        Mickey Stevens, 9           14:33.0    Rochester Century
   96        Anders Dzurak, 9            14:36.9    Minnetonka
   97    52  Aren Siekmeir, 7            14:37.3    Math&Science Academy
   98    53  Ben Heigl, 11               14:37.9    Robbinsdale Armstrong
   99        Jeremiah Williams, 10       14:40.4    Mounds View
  100        Luke Mueller, 9             14:41.8    Rochester Mayo
  101    54  Justin Schlitz, 8           14:43.3    Prior Lake
  102        Matt Weinmann, 10           14:44.5    Rochester Century
  103    55  Tim Fredrickson, 9          14:45.5    Prior Lake
  104        Connor Wade, 10             14:45.9    Rochester Century
  105        Connor Swanson, 9           14:46.8    Chaska
  106        Josh Thomas, 7              14:47.8    Rochester Mayo
  107        Henry Charlton, 10          14:54.0    Rochester Mayo
  108        Joe Lund, 9                 14:55.4    Rochester Mayo
  109        Justin Webber, 11           14:55.6    Rochester Mayo
  110        Austin Meyers, 11           14:59.0    Chaska
  111        Nick Espy, 11               15:03.8    Rochester Century
  112    56  Alex Miller, 9              15:15.3    Math&Science Academy
  113        Joe Ginther, 7              15:16.4    Rochester Century
  114        Jens Boyum, 8               15:17.4    Rochester Century
  115        Garrett McCormack, 11       15:19.1    Rochester Mayo
  116    57  Dimitri Angelo, 9           15:28.3    Prior Lake
  117        Brian Senum, 9              15:28.6    Rosemount
  118    58  Ben Kofalt, 9               15:29.7    Math&Science Academy
  119        Brian Joyce, 11             15:30.5    Rochester Century
  120    59  Simon Mui, 9                15:30.7    Champlin Park
  121    60  Kyle Anderson, 10           15:31.3    Prior Lake
  122        Aaron Karnas, 11            15:33.8    Rochester Century
  123        Andrew Virnig, 9            15:35.7    Minnetonka
  124        William Ladner, 10          15:43.5    Minnetonka
  125        Jordan Kleen, 11            15:50.0    Rochester Century
  126    61  Cody Kueker, 9              16:00.3    Prior Lake
  127        Nick Bonn, 9                16:06.2    Rosemount
  128    62  Daniel Koutsky, 9           16:06.9    Prior Lake
  129        Max Judd, 9                 16:14.5    Rochester Century
  130    63  James Amundson, 9           16:15.2    Prior Lake
  131    64  Tom Wallace, 7              16:16.0    Math&Science Academy
  132        Matthew Ruehling, 7         16:17.9    Prior Lake
  133    65  Matt Henningsgaard, 9       16:20.9    Champlin Park
  134        Steven Felmlee, 8           16:24.2    Rochester Century
  135    66  Brian Reick, 7              16:27.0    Math&Science Academy
  136        Brandon Shannon, 7          16:32.7    Prior Lake
  137    67  Scott McMahon, 9            16:47.5    Robbinsdale Armstrong
  138        Jacob Froelich, 11          16:48.1    Rosemount
  139    68  Clarence King, 9            17:05.5    Math&Science Academy
  140        Kevin Zenner, 9             17:06.2    Math&Science Academy
  141        Mic Brunner, 8              17:16.1    Prior Lake
  142        Brad Naylor, 12             17:20.9    Rochester Century
  143        Gavin Larsen, 7             17:26.3    Chaska
  144        Jason Sather, 11            17:42.0    Robbinsdale Armstrong
  145        Chris Cohen, 7              17:53.7    Math&Science Academy
  146        mark Eckhoff, 11            18:32.2    Robbinsdale Armstrong
  147        Chris Frensko, 10           20:16.9    Robbinsdale Armstrong
  148        Chad Temple, 7              21:05.2    Rochester Century
  149        Adam Klemenhagen, 10        22:23.7    Rosemount

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