Section 5AA Boys

Basset Creek Park Crystal, MN

Oct. 23, 2003

Sunny and Cool
Results by Apple Raceberry Jam

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  1   Minneapolis Southwest    55    7    8   11   13   16   20   23   17:07        28
  2   Saint Louis Park         62    1    9   12   15   25   59   78   17:11      1:10
  3   Fridley                  72    2    3    4   27   36   52   61   17:13      1:25
  4   Benilde-St Margaret's   131    6   21   24   32   48   54   58   17:43      1:30
  5   Minneapolis South       153   14   19   34   35   51   63   64   17:50      1:15
  6   Robbinsdale Armstrong   165   22   29   33   37   44   57   60   17:58        33
  7   Maple Grove             172   10   31   39   45   47   74   82   17:57      1:21
  8   Osseo                   182   17   30   40   46   49   70   71   18:03        56
  9   Park Center             257   18   41   65   66   67   68   81   18:25      1:22
 10   Minneapolis Washburn    263    5   28   56   86   88   90   93   18:52      3:49
 11   Robbinsdale Cooper      290   26   42   69   76   77   80   83   18:38      1:24
 12   Totino Grace            328   50   53   62   79   84   85   87   18:56      1:25
 13   Minneapolis Henry       335   43   55   73   75   89   95        19:06      2:37
 14   Minneapolis Edison      387   38   72   91   92   94   96        20:43      5:18


1. Minneapolis Southwest
    7  Eric Carter, 11             16:55  
    8  Erik Maloney, 12            17:01  
   11  Gavin Weir, 11              17:04  
   13  Bernabe Cantoran, 11        17:10  
   16  Nate Simons, 10             17:23  
   20  Brad Russell, 10            17:35  
   23  Will Bellaimey, 10          17:43  
Time = 1:25:31     Places = 55

2. Saint Louis Park
    1  Mike Mommsen, 10            16:39  
    9  Tim Babatz, 12              17:01  
   12  Andrew Cheesebro, 12        17:07  
   15  Chris Nordstrom, 11         17:21  
   25  Jesse Lang, 11              17:48  
   59  Andrew Tillman, 9           18:37  
   78  Devin Ellsworth, 12         19:14  
Time = 1:25:55     Places = 62

3. Fridley
    2  Brent Haglund, 10           16:39  
    3  Alemo Akway, 11             16:42  
    4  Mohammed Omisaye, 10        16:49  
   27  Josh Yamauchi, 11           17:50  
   36  Samon Nowparvar, 8          18:04  
   52  Peter Kaufhold, 10          18:27  
   61  Matt Whalen, 12             18:39  
Time = 1:26:02     Places = 72

4. Benilde-St Margaret's
    6  Justin Smith, 12            16:53  
   21  Alec Niedermaier, 12        17:37  
   24  Patrick Brown, 9            17:48  
   32  Sean McConville, 11         17:56  
   48  Pete Graham, 9              18:23  
   54  Mike Clifford, 10           18:29  
   58  Matt Cannon, 12             18:36  
Time = 1:28:35     Places = 131

5. Minneapolis South
   14  Teddy Ayele, 12             17:12  
   19  Tom Anderson, 11            17:31  
   34  Harrison Richards, 10       18:01  
   35  Leif Kopietz, 12            18:02  
   51  Dan Foley, 11               18:27  
   63  Will Meland, 9              18:42  
   64  John Naglak, 11             18:44  
Time = 1:29:10     Places = 153

6. Robbinsdale Armstrong
   22  Tom Brenner, 11             17:42  
   29  Kevin Christensen, 12       17:53  
   33  Erik Dahl, 12               17:57  
   37  Joe Sutton, 9               18:07  
   44  Brandon Lewis, 9            18:14  
   57  Ilya Kaganovich, 12         18:35  
   60  James McManus, 12           18:37  
Time = 1:29:50     Places = 165

7. Maple Grove
   10  John Zbikowski, 11          17:01  
   31  Jon Reno, 12                17:56  
   39  Chris Yard, 11              18:09  
   45  John Morgan, 11             18:19  
   47  Kevin O'Neill, 10           18:22  
   74  Michael Williams, 9         18:59  
   82  Eric Schultz, 10            19:26  
Time = 1:29:45     Places = 172

8. Osseo
   17  Matt Gifford, 11            17:28  
   30  Kyle Reins, 10              17:54  
   40  Mark Forsberg, 12           18:09  
   46  Dan Grutter, 11             18:20  
   49  David Sellers, 12           18:23  
   70  Rj Uglow, 11                18:53  
   71  Kurt Semanko, 12            18:54  
Time = 1:30:12     Places = 182

9. Park Center
   18  Ken Gilkerson, 10           17:29  
   41  Dylan Cahill, 10            18:12  
   65  Tony Krueger, 12            18:47  
   66  Kevin Kallas, 10            18:47  
   67  Aaron Gorman, 9             18:50  
   68  Mark Vonderharr, 10         18:51  
   81  Brad Hammond, 11            19:22  
Time = 1:32:02     Places = 257

10. Minneapolis Washburn
    5  Abdinor Farah, 12           16:53  
   28  Krish Maharaj, 12           17:51  
   56  Hassan Hassan, 12           18:35  
   86  Jake Senn, 9                20:18  
   88  Trevor Keith, 12            20:42  
   90  Sona Yi, 9                  20:53  
   93  Ahmet Shapiro, 9            22:36  
Time = 1:34:16     Places = 263

11. Robbinsdale Cooper
   26  Scott Smith, 11             17:49  
   42  Nick Gamble, 12             18:12  
   69  Dave Clark, 12              18:51  
   76  Brandon Mikelson, 10        19:06  
   77  Joey Black, 12              19:12  
   80  Eric Bye, 10                19:20  
   83  Mike Tingle, 12             19:39  
Time = 1:33:09     Places = 290

12. Totino Grace
   50  Steve Adams, 12             18:24  
   53  Andy Manion, 11             18:28  
   62  Sean O'Rourke, 12           18:40  
   79  Kyle Brown, 10              19:18  
   84  Dan Beacher, 11             19:48  
   85  Pat Anderson, 12            20:16  
   87  Quinten Moore, 9            20:32  
Time = 1:34:36     Places = 328

13. Minneapolis Henry
   43  Alex Ayoub, 11              18:13  
   55  Karl Bonde, 11              18:30  
   73  Nate Born, 11               18:55  
   75  Shola Oyetunde, 11          19:04  
   89  Fong Vang, 11               20:50  
   95  Bryan Olsen, 10             24:56  
Time = 1:35:30     Places = 335

14. Minneapolis Edison
   38  Hashim Yonis, 10            18:08  
   72  Maurice Cobenais, 12        18:55  
   91  Danny Moore, 10             21:26  
   92  Jake Soderberg, 10          21:38  
   94  Jeremy Nason, 11            23:26  
   96  Ali Abdilahi                28:12  
Time = 1:43:31     Places = 387

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  Mike Mommsen, 10            16:39    Saint Louis Park
    2     2  Brent Haglund, 10           16:39    Fridley
    3     3  Alemo Akway, 11             16:42    Fridley
    4     4  Mohammed Omisaye, 10        16:49    Fridley
    5     5  Abdinor Farah, 12           16:53    Minneapolis Washburn
    6     6  Justin Smith, 12            16:53    Benilde-St Margaret's
    7     7  Eric Carter, 11             16:55    Minneapolis Southwest
    8     8  Erik Maloney, 12            17:01    Minneapolis Southwest
    9     9  Tim Babatz, 12              17:01    Saint Louis Park
   10    10  John Zbikowski, 11          17:01    Maple Grove
   11    11  Gavin Weir, 11              17:04    Minneapolis Southwest
   12    12  Andrew Cheesebro, 12        17:07    Saint Louis Park
   13    13  Bernabe Cantoran, 11        17:10    Minneapolis Southwest
   14    14  Teddy Ayele, 12             17:12    Minneapolis South
   15    15  Chris Nordstrom, 11         17:21    Saint Louis Park
   16    16  Nate Simons, 10             17:23    Minneapolis Southwest
   17    17  Matt Gifford, 11            17:28    Osseo
   18    18  Ken Gilkerson, 10           17:29    Park Center
   19    19  Tom Anderson, 11            17:31    Minneapolis South
   20    20  Brad Russell, 10            17:35    Minneapolis Southwest
   21    21  Alec Niedermaier, 12        17:37    Benilde-St Margaret's
   22    22  Tom Brenner, 11             17:42    Robbinsdale Armstrong
   23    23  Will Bellaimey, 10          17:43    Minneapolis Southwest
   24    24  Patrick Brown, 9            17:48    Benilde-St Margaret's
   25    25  Jesse Lang, 11              17:48    Saint Louis Park
   26    26  Scott Smith, 11             17:49    Robbinsdale Cooper
   27    27  Josh Yamauchi, 11           17:50    Fridley
   28    28  Krish Maharaj, 12           17:51    Minneapolis Washburn
   29    29  Kevin Christensen, 12       17:53    Robbinsdale Armstrong
   30    30  Kyle Reins, 10              17:54    Osseo
   31    31  Jon Reno, 12                17:56    Maple Grove
   32    32  Sean McConville, 11         17:56    Benilde-St Margaret's
   33    33  Erik Dahl, 12               17:57    Robbinsdale Armstrong
   34    34  Harrison Richards, 10       18:01    Minneapolis South
   35    35  Leif Kopietz, 12            18:02    Minneapolis South
   36    36  Samon Nowparvar, 8          18:04    Fridley
   37    37  Joe Sutton, 9               18:07    Robbinsdale Armstrong
   38    38  Hashim Yonis, 10            18:08    Minneapolis Edison
   39    39  Chris Yard, 11              18:09    Maple Grove
   40    40  Mark Forsberg, 12           18:09    Osseo
   41    41  Dylan Cahill, 10            18:12    Park Center
   42    42  Nick Gamble, 12             18:12    Robbinsdale Cooper
   43    43  Alex Ayoub, 11              18:13    Minneapolis Henry
   44    44  Brandon Lewis, 9            18:14    Robbinsdale Armstrong
   45    45  John Morgan, 11             18:19    Maple Grove
   46    46  Dan Grutter, 11             18:20    Osseo
   47    47  Kevin O'Neill, 10           18:22    Maple Grove
   48    48  Pete Graham, 9              18:23    Benilde-St Margaret's
   49    49  David Sellers, 12           18:23    Osseo
   50    50  Steve Adams, 12             18:24    Totino Grace
   51    51  Dan Foley, 11               18:27    Minneapolis South
   52    52  Peter Kaufhold, 10          18:27    Fridley
   53    53  Andy Manion, 11             18:28    Totino Grace
   54    54  Mike Clifford, 10           18:29    Benilde-St Margaret's
   55    55  Karl Bonde, 11              18:30    Minneapolis Henry
   56    56  Hassan Hassan, 12           18:35    Minneapolis Washburn
   57    57  Ilya Kaganovich, 12         18:35    Robbinsdale Armstrong
   58    58  Matt Cannon, 12             18:36    Benilde-St Margaret's
   59    59  Andrew Tillman, 9           18:37    Saint Louis Park
   60    60  James McManus, 12           18:37    Robbinsdale Armstrong
   61    61  Matt Whalen, 12             18:39    Fridley
   62    62  Sean O'Rourke, 12           18:40    Totino Grace
   63    63  Will Meland, 9              18:42    Minneapolis South
   64    64  John Naglak, 11             18:44    Minneapolis South
   65    65  Tony Krueger, 12            18:47    Park Center
   66    66  Kevin Kallas, 10            18:47    Park Center
   67    67  Aaron Gorman, 9             18:50    Park Center
   68    68  Mark Vonderharr, 10         18:51    Park Center
   69    69  Dave Clark, 12              18:51    Robbinsdale Cooper
   70    70  Rj Uglow, 11                18:53    Osseo
   71    71  Kurt Semanko, 12            18:54    Osseo
   72    72  Maurice Cobenais, 12        18:55    Minneapolis Edison
   73    73  Nate Born, 11               18:55    Minneapolis Henry
   74    74  Michael Williams, 9         18:59    Maple Grove
   75    75  Shola Oyetunde, 11          19:04    Minneapolis Henry
   76    76  Brandon Mikelson, 10        19:06    Robbinsdale Cooper
   77    77  Joey Black, 12              19:12    Robbinsdale Cooper
   78    78  Devin Ellsworth, 12         19:14    Saint Louis Park
   79    79  Kyle Brown, 10              19:18    Totino Grace
   80    80  Eric Bye, 10                19:20    Robbinsdale Cooper
   81    81  Brad Hammond, 11            19:22    Park Center
   82    82  Eric Schultz, 10            19:26    Maple Grove
   83    83  Mike Tingle, 12             19:39    Robbinsdale Cooper
   84    84  Dan Beacher, 11             19:48    Totino Grace
   85    85  Pat Anderson, 12            20:16    Totino Grace
   86    86  Jake Senn, 9                20:18    Minneapolis Washburn
   87    87  Quinten Moore, 9            20:32    Totino Grace
   88    88  Trevor Keith, 12            20:42    Minneapolis Washburn
   89    89  Fong Vang, 11               20:50    Minneapolis Henry
   90    90  Sona Yi, 9                  20:53    Minneapolis Washburn
   91    91  Danny Moore, 10             21:26    Minneapolis Edison
   92    92  Jake Soderberg, 10          21:38    Minneapolis Edison
   93    93  Ahmet Shapiro, 9            22:36    Minneapolis Washburn
   94    94  Jeremy Nason, 11            23:26    Minneapolis Edison
   95    95  Bryan Olsen, 10             24:56    Minneapolis Henry
   96    96  Ali Abdilahi                28:12    Minneapolis Edison

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