Section 1A Boys

Northern Hills Golf Club, Rochester

Oct. 23, 2003

Results by Rochester Track Club

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Results also available for girls


  1   La Crescent              42    3    4    8   11   16   18   29   17:29.8    1:04.5
  2   Winona Cotter            82   10   12   15   21   24   50   71   18:03.8      54.7
  3   Rochester Lourdes       113    2    7   30   31   43   44   62   18:02.9    2:42.6
  4   Lake City               155   17   23   27   39   49   57  100   18:39.1    1:06.4
  5   Lewstn-Altra/Rshfrd-P   165   19   25   28   32   61   97  112   18:44.9    1:23.1
  6   Blooming Prairie        187   14   26   38   46   63  118  120   18:50.7    1:36.1
  7   Byron                   215    5    6   59   60   85  117        18:46.1    2:50.7
  8   New Richland-H-E-G      226   20   22   56   58   70   76        19:02.9    1:23.6
  9   Elgin-Millville         263   13   35   67   68   80   87  111   19:13.4    2:14.2
 10   Kingsland               279    1   42   75   77   84  104  109   19:00.2    3:57.3
 11   Plainview               285   47   48   53   65   72   83   96   19:23.6      39.1
 12   Chatfield               302   40   41   54   66  101  110  113   19:36.5    2:10.5
 13   Hayfield                320   51   55   64   69   81   99  108   19:34.1      53.1
 14   Lyle/Austin-Pacelli     335    9   45   73  103  105  106        19:46.4    3:36.3
 15   Stewartville            349   34   52   82   90   91   92   98   19:48.0    1:32.8
 16   Pine Island             357   33   36   79   94  115  116  119   20:07.8    3:34.1
 17   Cannon Falls            420   37   86   88   95  114  121        20:29.6    3:28.2
 18   Lanesboro/Fillmore Ce   436   74   78   89   93  102  107  122   20:21.2    1:23.7


1. La Crescent
    3  Seth Webinger, 12           16:57.4  
    4  Wade Ekstrom, 10            17:14.5  
    8  Dan Summerfield, 11         17:29.3  
   11  Kyle Allen, 12              17:45.9  
   16  Dustin Franta, 9            18:01.9  
   18  Aaron Schaitel, 11          18:08.1  
   29  Jon Busch, 11               18:42.7  
Time = 1:27:29.0     Places = 42

2. Winona Cotter
   10  Chris Mundt, 12             17:38.8  
   12  Kyle Brandon, 11            17:48.2  
   15  Andy Kuklinski, 10          17:58.0  
   21  Don Wasinger, 8             18:20.3  
   24  Matt Johnson, 12            18:33.5  
   50  Jess Hoffert, 9             19:11.1  
   71  Mike Brickl, 10             19:45.4  
Time = 1:30:18.8     Places = 82

3. Rochester Lourdes
    2  Mike Torchia, 10            16:16.5  
    7  Josh Crowley, 9             17:28.8  
   30  Brad Kuntz, 10              18:43.8  
   31  Patrick Sitzer, 9           18:45.9  
   43  Dan Fleming, 10             18:59.1  
   44  Luke Leibovich, 9           19:02.6  
   62  Danny Stupca, 10            19:33.0  
Time = 1:30:14.1     Places = 113

4. Lake City
   17  Andy Soteros, 12            18:02.6  
   23  Kyle Kennedy, 10            18:25.7  
   27  Eric Denn, 10               18:40.5  
   39  Marcelo Anderson, 12        18:57.3  
   49  Mike Peterson, 12           19:09.0  
   57  Daryn York, 8               19:23.4  
  100  Jason Yorde, 11             21:03.3  
Time = 1:33:15.1     Places = 155

5. Lewstn-Altra/Rshfrd-P
   19  David Wollschlager, 11      18:08.5  
   25  Jeremiah Feine, 10          18:35.0  
   28  Matt Hoefs, 10              18:41.4  
   32  Eamonn Kingsbury, 11        18:47.8  
   61  Eric Hilke, 7               19:31.6  
   97  Craig Ruhoff, 10            20:49.1  
  112  Sam Sundermeyer, 9          22:06.6  
Time = 1:33:44.3     Places = 165

6. Blooming Prairie
   14  Ian Campbell, 9             17:57.2  
   26  Zach Fogarty, 11            18:39.9  
   38  Luke Nelson, 12             18:56.2  
   46  Matt Hagen, 11              19:06.6  
   63  Billy Lindquist, 11         19:33.3  
  118  Jason Manges, 7             22:37.1  
  120  Jared Hatteberg, 11         22:48.4  
Time = 1:34:13.2     Places = 187

7. Byron
    5  Dan Garvens, 12             17:20.1  
    6  Jason Garvens, 10           17:23.7  
   59  Alex Thornton, 8            19:24.9  
   60  Thomas Thornton, 8          19:30.9  
   85  Dave Tomlinson, 8           20:10.8  
  117  Stephen Colsch, 9           22:30.8  
Time = 1:33:50.4     Places = 215

8. New Richland-H-E-G
   20  John Coffield, 11           18:20.1  
   22  Jacey Reese, 12             18:23.9  
   56  Andy Tomsche, 11            19:22.1  
   58  Ben Waldhauser, 10          19:24.7  
   70  Matt Reiter, 11             19:43.7  
   76  Adam Routh, 9               19:48.4  
Time = 1:35:14.5     Places = 226

9. Elgin-Millville
   13  Tyler Hahn, 8               17:50.2  
   35  Brandon Reiter, 12          18:52.4  
   67  Damon Devlin, 9             19:39.6  
   68  Tim Dick, 7                 19:40.0  
   80  Zach Holper, 9              20:04.4  
   87  Paul Alness, 7              20:18.8  
  111  Leon Sexton, 9              21:54.4  
Time = 1:36:06.6     Places = 263

10. Kingsland
    1  Chris Erichsen, 12          16:10.8  
   42  Dallas Davidson, 8          18:58.5  
   75  Carl Calabrese, 8           19:48.1  
   77  Aaron Nash, 9               19:55.5  
   84  Ryan Kaster, 9              20:08.1  
  104  Andrew Engesser, 12         21:12.3  
  109  Matt Kaster, 9              21:37.7  
Time = 1:35:01.0     Places = 279

11. Plainview
   47  Eric Hart, 11               19:07.4  
   48  Tom Pesch, 8                19:08.7  
   53  Eric Larson, 11             19:17.8  
   65  Kyle Hart, 9                19:37.4  
   72  Jeff Miller, 12             19:46.5  
   83  Neil Folkert, 10            20:07.6  
   96  Pieter Kucharski, 10        20:47.6  
Time = 1:36:57.8     Places = 285

12. Chatfield
   40  Jeff Olson, 12              18:57.7  
   41  Nick Donahoe, 12            18:58.1  
   54  Andrew Easler, 11           19:18.7  
   66  Sam Weivoda, 10             19:39.4  
  101  Brandon Carr, 10            21:08.2  
  110  Dan Zeccardi, 10            21:41.9  
  113  Bryan Cole, 12              22:20.2  
Time = 1:38:02.1     Places = 302

13. Hayfield
   51  Steve Emerick, 12           19:11.6  
   55  Josh Krell, 10              19:19.1  
   64  Josiah Krell, 10            19:33.8  
   69  Matthew Voltin, 9           19:41.0  
   81  Brent Oelkers, 10           20:04.7  
   99  Noah Hamer, 10              20:54.7  
   108  Kyle Kuster, 12             21:36.8  
Time = 1:37:50.2     Places = 320

14. Lyle/Austin-Pacelli
    9  Josh Gunderson, 10          17:36.3  
   45  T J. Parlin, 12             19:03.9  
   73  Dan Rysavy, 10              19:47.4  
  103  Peter Johnson, 11           21:11.8  
  105  Shawn Pfeil, 12             21:12.6  
  106  Jimmy McDermott, 9          21:30.5  
Time = 1:38:52.0     Places = 335

15. Stewartville
   34  Nate Cole, 8                18:51.7  
   52  Carl Gunderson, 9           19:15.9  
   82  Tyler Bisbee, 9             20:05.4  
   90  Ryan Frank, 11              20:22.2  
   91  Robert Hayenga, 11          20:24.5  
   92  Andrew Skuster, 8           20:25.6  
   98  Marcus Daniels, 12          20:50.3  
Time = 1:38:59.7     Places = 349

16. Pine Island
   33  Dan Gibbons, 11             18:50.7  
   36  Aaron Flemke, 11            18:53.1  
   79  Nate Grant, 11              19:59.6  
   94  Chad Robertson, 11          20:30.4  
  115  Andrew Kriske, 8            22:24.8  
  116  Nick Walters, 8             22:26.2  
  119  Tony McGlinch, 9            22:39.5  
Time = 1:40:38.6     Places = 357

17. Cannon Falls
   37  Seth Flodeen, 11            18:55.5  
   86  Peter Otterness, 9          20:16.8  
   88  Dayton Clevenger, 11        20:19.8  
   95  Adam Gilbertson, 10         20:31.9  
  114  Levi Price, 11              22:23.7  
  121  Jeff Levin, 11              22:54.4  
Time = 1:42:27.7     Places = 420

18. Lanesboro/Fillmore Ce
   74  Nathan Lynne, 10            19:47.8  
   78  Johannes Krause, 12         19:57.3  
   89  Ryan Bishop, 10             20:20.6  
   93  Andrew Lindell, 12          20:28.6  
  102  Matt Thompson, 10           21:11.5  
  107  Adam Dornink, 10            21:35.6  
  122  Adam Mindrum, 12            23:01.1  
Time = 1:41:45.8     Places = 436

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  Chris Erichsen, 12          16:10.8    Kingsland
    2     2  Mike Torchia, 10            16:16.5    Rochester Lourdes
    3     3  Seth Webinger, 12           16:57.4    La Crescent
    4     4  Wade Ekstrom, 10            17:14.5    La Crescent
    5     5  Dan Garvens, 12             17:20.1    Byron
    6     6  Jason Garvens, 10           17:23.7    Byron
    7     7  Josh Crowley, 9             17:28.8    Rochester Lourdes
    8     8  Dan Summerfield, 11         17:29.3    La Crescent
    9     9  Josh Gunderson, 10          17:36.3    Lyle/Austin-Pacelli
   10    10  Chris Mundt, 12             17:38.8    Winona Cotter
   11    11  Kyle Allen, 12              17:45.9    La Crescent
   12    12  Kyle Brandon, 11            17:48.2    Winona Cotter
   13    13  Tyler Hahn, 8               17:50.2    Elgin-Millville
   14    14  Ian Campbell, 9             17:57.2    Blooming Prairie
   15    15  Andy Kuklinski, 10          17:58.0    Winona Cotter
   16    16  Dustin Franta, 9            18:01.9    La Crescent
   17    17  Andy Soteros, 12            18:02.6    Lake City
   18    18  Aaron Schaitel, 11          18:08.1    La Crescent
   19    19  David Wollschlager, 11      18:08.5    Lewstn-Altra/Rshfrd-P
   20    20  John Coffield, 11           18:20.1    New Richland-H-E-G
   21    21  Don Wasinger, 8             18:20.3    Winona Cotter
   22    22  Jacey Reese, 12             18:23.9    New Richland-H-E-G
   23    23  Kyle Kennedy, 10            18:25.7    Lake City
   24    24  Matt Johnson, 12            18:33.5    Winona Cotter
   25    25  Jeremiah Feine, 10          18:35.0    Lewstn-Altra/Rshfrd-P
   26    26  Zach Fogarty, 11            18:39.9    Blooming Prairie
   27    27  Eric Denn, 10               18:40.5    Lake City
   28    28  Matt Hoefs, 10              18:41.4    Lewstn-Altra/Rshfrd-P
   29    29  Jon Busch, 11               18:42.7    La Crescent
   30    30  Brad Kuntz, 10              18:43.8    Rochester Lourdes
   31    31  Patrick Sitzer, 9           18:45.9    Rochester Lourdes
   32    32  Eamonn Kingsbury, 11        18:47.8    Lewstn-Altra/Rshfrd-P
   33    33  Dan Gibbons, 11             18:50.7    Pine Island
   34    34  Nate Cole, 8                18:51.7    Stewartville
   35    35  Brandon Reiter, 12          18:52.4    Elgin-Millville
   36    36  Aaron Flemke, 11            18:53.1    Pine Island
   37    37  Seth Flodeen, 11            18:55.5    Cannon Falls
   38    38  Luke Nelson, 12             18:56.2    Blooming Prairie
   39    39  Marcelo Anderson, 12        18:57.3    Lake City
   40    40  Jeff Olson, 12              18:57.7    Chatfield
   41    41  Nick Donahoe, 12            18:58.1    Chatfield
   42    42  Dallas Davidson, 8          18:58.5    Kingsland
   43    43  Dan Fleming, 10             18:59.1    Rochester Lourdes
   44    44  Luke Leibovich, 9           19:02.6    Rochester Lourdes
   45    45  T J. Parlin, 12             19:03.9    Lyle/Austin-Pacelli
   46    46  Matt Hagen, 11              19:06.6    Blooming Prairie
   47    47  Eric Hart, 11               19:07.4    Plainview
   48    48  Tom Pesch, 8                19:08.7    Plainview
   49    49  Mike Peterson, 12           19:09.0    Lake City
   50    50  Jess Hoffert, 9             19:11.1    Winona Cotter
   51    51  Steve Emerick, 12           19:11.6    Hayfield
   52    52  Carl Gunderson, 9           19:15.9    Stewartville
   53    53  Eric Larson, 11             19:17.8    Plainview
   54    54  Andrew Easler, 11           19:18.7    Chatfield
   55    55  Josh Krell, 10              19:19.1    Hayfield
   56    56  Andy Tomsche, 11            19:22.1    New Richland-H-E-G
   57    57  Daryn York, 8               19:23.4    Lake City
   58    58  Ben Waldhauser, 10          19:24.7    New Richland-H-E-G
   59    59  Alex Thornton, 8            19:24.9    Byron
   60    60  Thomas Thornton, 8          19:30.9    Byron
   61    61  Eric Hilke, 7               19:31.6    Lewstn-Altra/Rshfrd-P
   62    62  Danny Stupca, 10            19:33.0    Rochester Lourdes
   63    63  Billy Lindquist, 11         19:33.3    Blooming Prairie 
   64    64  Josiah Krell, 10            19:33.8    Hayfield
   65    65  Kyle Hart, 9                19:37.4    Plainview
   66    66  Sam Weivoda, 10             19:39.4    Chatfield
   67    67  Damon Devlin, 9             19:39.6    Elgin-Millville
   68    68  Tim Dick, 7                 19:40.0    Elgin-Millville
   69    69  Matthew Voltin, 9           19:41.0    Hayfield
   70    70  Matt Reiter, 11             19:43.7    New Richland-H-E-G
   71    71  Mike Brickl, 10             19:45.4    Winona Cotter
   72    72  Jeff Miller, 12             19:46.5    Plainview
   73    73  Dan Rysavy, 10              19:47.4    Lyle/Austin-Pacelli
   74    74  Nathan Lynne, 10            19:47.8    Lanesboro/Fillmore Ce
   75    75  Carl Calabrese, 8           19:48.1    Kingsland
   76    76  Adam Routh, 9               19:48.4    New Richland-H-E-G
   77    77  Aaron Nash, 9               19:55.5    Kingsland
   78    78  Johannes Krause, 12         19:57.3    Lanesboro/Fillmore Ce
   79    79  Nate Grant, 11              19:59.6    Pine Island
   80    80  Zach Holper, 9              20:04.4    Elgin-Millville
   81    81  Brent Oelkers, 10           20:04.7    Hayfield
   82    82  Tyler Bisbee, 9             20:05.4    Stewartville
   83    83  Neil Folkert, 10            20:07.6    Plainview
   84    84  Ryan Kaster, 9              20:08.1    Kingsland
   85    85  Dave Tomlinson, 8           20:10.8    Byron
   86    86  Peter Otterness, 9          20:16.8    Cannon Falls
   87    87  Paul Alness, 7              20:18.8    Elgin-Millville
   88    88  Dayton Clevenger, 11        20:19.8    Cannon Falls
   89    89  Ryan Bishop, 10             20:20.6    Lanesboro/Fillmore Ce
   90    90  Ryan Frank, 11              20:22.2    Stewartville
   91    91  Robert Hayenga, 11          20:24.5    Stewartville
   92    92  Andrew Skuster, 8           20:25.6    Stewartville
   93    93  Andrew Lindell, 12          20:28.6    Lanesboro/Fillmore Ce
   94    94  Chad Robertson, 11          20:30.4    Pine Island
   95    95  Adam Gilbertson, 10         20:31.9    Cannon Falls
   96    96  Pieter Kucharski, 10        20:47.6    Plainview
   97    97  Craig Ruhoff, 10            20:49.1    Lewstn-Altra/Rshfrd-P
   98    98  Marcus Daniels, 12          20:50.3    Stewartville
   99    99  Noah Hamer, 10              20:54.7    Hayfield
  100   100  Jason Yorde, 11             21:03.3    Lake City
  101   101  Brandon Carr, 10            21:08.2    Chatfield
  102   102  Matt Thompson, 10           21:11.5    Lanesboro/Fillmore Ce
  103   103  Peter Johnson, 11           21:11.8    Lyle/Austin-Pacelli
  104   104  Andrew Engesser, 12         21:12.3    Kingsland
  105   105  Shawn Pfeil, 12             21:12.6    Lyle/Austin-Pacelli
  106   106  Jimmy McDermott, 9          21:30.5    Lyle/Austin-Pacelli
  107   107  Adam Dornink, 10            21:35.6    Lanesboro/Fillmore Ce
  108   108  Kyle Kuster, 12             21:36.8    Hayfield
  109   109  Matt Kaster, 9              21:37.7    Kingsland
  110   110  Dan Zeccardi, 10            21:41.9    Chatfield
  111   111  Leon Sexton, 9              21:54.4    Elgin-Millville
  112   112  Sam Sundermeyer, 9          22:06.6    Lewstn-Altra/Rshfrd-P
  113   113  Bryan Cole, 12              22:20.2    Chatfield
  114   114  Levi Price, 11              22:23.7    Cannon Falls
  115   115  Andrew Kriske, 8            22:24.8    Pine Island
  116   116  Nick Walters, 8             22:26.2    Pine Island
  117   117  Stephen Colsch, 9           22:30.8    Byron
  118   118  Jason Manges, 7             22:37.1    Blooming Prairie
  119   119  Tony McGlinch, 9            22:39.5    Pine Island
  120   120  Jared Hatteberg, 11         22:48.4    Blooming Prairie
  121   121  Jeff Levin, 11              22:54.4    Cannon Falls
  122   122  Adam Mindrum, 12            23:01.1    Lanesboro/Fillmore Ce

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