Enger Park Golf Course, Duluth

Oct. 5, 2002

50, sunny, wind 5-8 mph
Results by Apple Raceberry JaM

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Results also available for varsity boys


  1   Osseo                    30    1    2    5    8   14   15   28   15:30.0    1:25.4
  2   Minneapolis Southwest    51    3    4    7   16   21   22   23   15:54.6    1:52.7
  3   SpringLkPk/StAnthony     65    6   11   13   17   18   30        16:14.6    1:28.8
  4   Grand Rapids/Bigfork     92    9   12   19   25   27   32   34   16:49.5    1:54.0
  5   Cloquet                 109   10   20   24   26   29   31   33   17:11.0    2:34.9


1. Osseo
    1  Matt Gifford, 10            15:03.8  
    2  Dan Grutter, 10             15:09.2  
    5  Kyle Reins, 9               15:16.4  
    8  Rj Uglow, 10                15:31.7  
   14  Jerod Freeberg, 9           16:29.1  
   15  Paul Rassier, 9             16:29.4  
   28  Nick Entinger, 10           17:44.4  
Time = 1:17:30.0     Places = 30

2. Minneapolis Southwest
    3  Gavin Weir, 10              15:14.2  
    4  Evan rowe, 10               15:14.7  
    7  eric Carter, 10             15:22.6  
   16  Brad Russell, 9             16:35.0  
   21  Will Bellaimey, 9           17:06.8  
   22  Terry Horstman, 9           17:11.2  
   23  Nate Simons, 9              17:13.1  
Time = 1:19:33.1     Places = 51

3. SpringLkPk/StAnthony
    6  Tristan Driscoll, 10        15:21.9  
   11  Ryan Ledin, 10              15:52.1  
   13  Scott Carter, 10            16:28.7  
   17  Anthony Perkins, 10         16:39.6  
   18  Luke Ylvisaker, 9           16:50.6  
   30  David Karnick, 9            18:25.2  
Time = 1:21:12.7     Places = 65

4. Grand Rapids/Bigfork
    9  Ben Meyer, 9                15:48.4  
   12  Corey Nistler, 10           16:19.5  
   19  Lee Feltman, 10             16:55.0  
   25  Chad Nelson, 10             17:22.3  
   27  Graham Faulknew, 10         17:42.4  
   32  Chip Burnett, 10            19:23.8  
   34  Mark Niquist, 9             19:41.0  
Time = 1:24:07.5     Places = 92

5. Cloquet
   10  Joe Olson, 9                15:48.7  
   20  Ben Jacobsen, 9             16:59.2  
   24  Jamie Kallestad, 9          17:20.4  
   26  Andy Larson, 9              17:23.1  
   29  Robert Tatro, 9             18:23.5  
   31  Paul Mueller, 9             18:39.0  
   33  Josh Vopat, 9               19:28.6  
Time = 1:25:54.8     Places = 109

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  Matt Gifford, 10            15:03.8    Osseo
    2     2  Dan Grutter, 10             15:09.2    Osseo
    3     3  Gavin Weir, 10              15:14.2    Minneapolis Southwest
    4     4  Evan rowe, 10               15:14.7    Minneapolis Southwest
    5     5  Kyle Reins, 9               15:16.4    Osseo
    6     6  Tristan Driscoll, 10        15:21.9    SpringLkPk/StAnthony
    7     7  eric Carter, 10             15:22.6    Minneapolis Southwest
    8     8  Rj Uglow, 10                15:31.7    Osseo
    9        Mitchell Pohlkamp, 10       15:33.8    North Branch
   10        Nick Sausen, 10             15:35.3    North Branch
   11     9  Ben Meyer, 9                15:48.4    Grand Rapids/Bigfork
   12    10  Joe Olson, 9                15:48.7    Cloquet
   13    11  Ryan Ledin, 10              15:52.1    SpringLkPk/StAnthony
   14    12  Corey Nistler, 10           16:19.5    Grand Rapids/Bigfork
   15        Alex Mickelson, 10          16:23.2    Proctor
   16    13  Scott Carter, 10            16:28.7    SpringLkPk/StAnthony
   17    14  Jerod Freeberg, 9           16:29.1    Osseo
   18    15  Paul Rassier, 9             16:29.4    Osseo
   19    16  Brad Russell, 9             16:35.0    Minneapolis Southwest
   20    17  Anthony Perkins, 10         16:39.6    SpringLkPk/StAnthony
   21    18  Luke Ylvisaker, 9           16:50.6    SpringLkPk/StAnthony
   22    19  Lee Feltman, 10             16:55.0    Grand Rapids/Bigfork
   23    20  Ben Jacobsen, 9             16:59.2    Cloquet
   24    21  Will Bellaimey, 9           17:06.8    Minneapolis Southwest
   25    22  Terry Horstman, 9           17:11.2    Minneapolis Southwest
   26    23  Nate Simons, 9              17:13.1    Minneapolis Southwest
   27        Chad Schrandt, 10           17:17.6    North Branch
   28    24  Jamie Kallestad, 9          17:20.4    Cloquet
   29    25  Chad Nelson, 10             17:22.3    Grand Rapids/Bigfork
   30    26  Andy Larson, 9              17:23.1    Cloquet
   31        Matt Busker, 9              17:39.9    Duluth Denfeld
   32    27  Graham Faulknew, 10         17:42.4    Grand Rapids/Bigfork
   33    28  Nick Entinger, 10           17:44.4    Osseo
   34        Michael Dougal, 9           18:03.5    Minneapolis Southwest
   35        Irving Krueger, 10          18:05.7    Osseo
   36        Trevor Tack, 9              18:06.2    Proctor
   37    29  Robert Tatro, 9             18:23.5    Cloquet
   38    30  David Karnick, 9            18:25.2    SpringLkPk/StAnthony
   39        Darin Grimm, 10             18:37.4    Osseo
   40    31  Paul Mueller, 9             18:39.0    Cloquet
   41        Max Hoiland, 10             18:50.7    Minneapolis Southwest
   42        Chad Kuntz, 9               19:02.6    Minneapolis Southwest
   43        Pat McCarthy, 9             19:06.1    Duluth Denfeld
   44        Andrew Sonnesyn, 9          19:22.5    Minneapolis Southwest
   45    32  Chip Burnett, 10            19:23.8    Grand Rapids/Bigfork
   46    33  Josh Vopat, 9               19:28.6    Cloquet
   47        Davis Gooch, 9              19:31.0    Minneapolis Southwest
   48        Greg Olmschenk, 9           19:33.4    Chisago Lakes
   49        Matt Forrest, 9             19:37.1    Minneapolis Southwest
   50        Dylan Fairchild, 10         19:37.6    Duluth Denfeld
   51    34  Mark Niquist, 9             19:41.0    Grand Rapids/Bigfork
   52        Dale Sayers, 9              19:55.1    Duluth Denfeld
   53        Andrew Roemhildt, 9         20:06.3    Cloquet
   54        Rick Goossen, 9             20:49.4    Chisago Lakes
   55        Ian Smith, 9                24:00.0    Cloquet

Results also available for varsity boys . Return to home page.