Grand Rapids Sports Complex

Sept. 12, 2002

Partly cloudy, 80, wind 5-15 mph
Results by Apple Raceberry JaM

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  1   Pequot Lakes             32    2    6    7    8    9   15        17:31.8    1:40.3
  2   Grand Rapids             40    3    4    5   12   16   19   21   17:39.6    2:55.9
  3   Cook County              49    1   10   11   13   14             18:10.4    3:23.0
  4   Cloquet                 100   17   18   20   22   23   24        23:24.2    5:23.8


 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Pequot Lakes
    2  Madison Engen, 7            16:28.0  
    6  Laura Janoweic, 7           17:12.0  
    7  Elizabeth Trenkenschuh, 7   17:52.6  
    8  Toni Gammello, 8            17:58.3  
    9  Trista Headlee, 7           18:08.2  
   15  Carica Braren, 7            19:26.8  
Time = 1:27:38.9     Places = 32

2. Grand Rapids
    3  Raynee DeGrio, 8            16:37.8  
    4  Brittney Helmbrecht, 8      16:38.5  
    5  Gemma Miltich, 7            17:02.2  
   12  Maggie Lenarz, 8            18:25.7  
   16  Kristin Eklin, 6            19:33.6  
   19  Kirstiane Holgate, 6        22:29.9  
   21  Meghan Helmbrecht, 6        25:02.9  
Time = 1:28:17.6     Places = 40

3. Cook County
    1  Heidi Sande, 7              16:02.1  
   10  Rose Thompson, 8            18:23.1  
   11  Jenny Huss, 8               18:23.5  
   13  Ellen Sobieck, 8            18:38.2  
   14  Anna-Britt Bergstrom, 7     19:25.0  
Time = 1:30:51.7     Places = 49

4. Cloquet
   17  Christine Randall, 7        20:15.9  
   18  Jessica Christianson, 7     22:29.0  
   20  Toni Ramsey, 7              23:16.4  
   22  Katie Ojanen, 7             25:20.0  
   23  Gwen Brown, 8               25:39.6  
   24  Christina Lau, 8            25:49.8  
Time = 1:57:00.7     Places = 100

 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1  Heidi Sande, 7              16:02.1    Cook County
    2  Madie Heinrich, 8           16:15.6    Lake of Woods/RainyRv
    3  Madison Engen, 7            16:28.0    Pequot Lakes
    4  Sam Reinert, 7              16:29.4    Lake of Woods/RainyRv
    5  Raynee DeGrio, 8            16:37.8    Grand Rapids
    6  Brittney Helmbrecht, 8      16:38.5    Grand Rapids
    7  Andrea Schanhaar, 7         16:48.0    DeerRiv/Northlnd-Remr
    8  Gemma Miltich, 7            17:02.2    Grand Rapids
    9  Jen Zupancich, 8            17:03.2    Ely
   10  Krista Timm, 8              17:04.7    Proctor
   11  Sophie Bolstad, 7           17:08.7    International Falls
   12  Laura Janoweic, 7           17:12.0    Pequot Lakes
   13  Maggie Donahue, 8           17:35.4    Esko
   14  Carolyn Freeman, 8          17:38.8    Ely
   15  Annie Harms, 8              17:39.5    International Falls
   16  Ashlee Peterson, 8          17:41.7    International Falls
   17  Ariel Helling, 7            17:46.5    DeerRiv/Northlnd-Remr
   18  Tessa Wagner, 7             17:46.7    Eveleth-Gilbert
   19  Britni Scovill, 7           17:47.4    Hibbing
   20  Amelia Donars, 8            17:48.4    Ely
   21  Elizabeth Trenkenschuh, 7   17:52.6    Pequot Lakes
   22  Toni Gammello, 8            17:58.3    Pequot Lakes
   23  Danielle Dupuis, 7          18:04.1    Proctor
   24  Trista Headlee, 7           18:08.2    Pequot Lakes
   25  Rose Thompson, 8            18:23.1    Cook County
   26  Jenny Huss, 8               18:23.5    Cook County
   27  Maggie Lenarz, 8            18:25.7    Grand Rapids
   28  Michelle Allen, 7           18:27.9    Cromwell
   29  Ellen Sobieck, 8            18:38.2    Cook County
   30  Ashley LaVigne, 8           18:58.2    International Falls
   31  Ashley Bodie, 7             19:07.0    Esko
   32  Anna-Britt Bergstrom, 7     19:25.0    Cook County
   33  Alicia Wagenbach, 8         19:26.3    Hermantown
   34  Carica Braren, 7            19:26.8    Pequot Lakes
   35  Patty Hodapp, 8             19:30.0    Duluth East
   36  Lori Gulbranson, 7          19:31.2    Mesabi East
   37  Kristin Eklin, 6            19:33.6    Grand Rapids
   38  Heidi Smith, 8              19:38.0    Cromwell
   39  Maggie Chopin               19:39.1    Mt Iron-Buhl Virginia
   40  Katie Hodapp, 8             20:02.2    Eveleth-Gilbert
   41  Christine Randall, 7        20:15.9    Cloquet
   42  Sarah Adams, 7              20:21.1    MarshallSchool Duluth
   43  Kaylee Grantham, 7          20:27.6    Eveleth-Gilbert
   44  Jenna Polaski, 7            20:40.6    Proctor
   45  Jessie Toldo, 8             20:44.5    Chisholm
   46  Lauren Carlson, 7           21:37.6    Esko
   47  Nikki Sklors, 8             22:01.2    Eveleth-Gilbert
   48  Jessica Christianson, 7     22:29.0    Cloquet
   49  Kirstiane Holgate, 6        22:29.9    Grand Rapids
   50  Toni Ramsey, 7              23:16.4    Cloquet
   51  Steph Ryberg, 11            23:17.8    Duluth Central
   52  Julie Cashin, 9             23:21.8    Duluth Central
   53  Aimee Sugden, 8             23:49.8    Lake of Woods/RainyRv
   54  Meghan Helmbrecht, 6        25:02.9    Grand Rapids
   55  Katie Ojanen, 7             25:20.0    Cloquet
   56  Gwen Brown, 8               25:39.6    Cloquet
   57  Christina Lau, 8            25:49.8    Cloquet
   58  Anya Johnson, 7             26:06.0    MarshallSchool Duluth
   59  Hannah Friesen, 6           26:34.9    Grand Rapids
78 finishers among Men
58 finishers among Women
81 male finishers
59 female finishers
140 total finishers

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