Enger Park Golf Course, Duluth

Oct. 6, 2001

38, wind 4 mph, partly cloudy
Results by Apple Raceberry JaM

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Results also available for varsity boys


  1   North Branch             69   10   13   14   15   17             15:52.9      27.1
  2   Minneapolis Southwest    81    3   11   16   24   27   31   36   16:03.0    1:45.2
  3   Osseo                    85    2    8   19   23   33             15:59.5    2:29.0
  4   SpringLkPk/StAnthony     95    6   12   21   22   34   40   50   16:13.3    1:58.1
  5   Hibbing                  97    5    9   25   26   32   37        16:16.0    1:58.7
  6   Duluth Denfeld          111    4    7   18   39   43             16:27.4    2:50.1
  7   Mt Iron-Buhl/Virginia   150    1   20   41   42   46   48   51   17:00.8    3:48.7
  8   Irondale                197   29   30   44   45   49             17:57.4    2:08.9
  9   Totino Grace            200   28   35   38   47   52             18:08.8    3:04.8


1. North Branch
   10  Sam Suparat, 10             15:35.3  
   13  Nick Sausen, 9              15:50.9  
   14  Mitchell Pohlkamp, 9        15:57.5  
   15  Guy Bahnemann, 10           15:58.4  
   17  Quin Shanley, 10            16:02.4  
Time = 1:19:24.3     Places = 69

2. Minneapolis Southwest
    3  Erick Maloney, 10           15:05.5  
   11  Pablo Huinansaca, 10        15:47.6  
   16  Micah Blazer, 10            15:59.2  
   24  Evan Rowe, 9                16:32.0  
   27  Eric Carter, 9              16:50.6  
   31  David Jewett, 10            17:09.2  
   36  Gavin Weir, 9               17:23.7  
Time = 1:20:14.7     Places = 81

3. Osseo
    2  Thomas Hawkins, 9           14:44.1  
    8  R J. Uglow, 9               15:24.0  
   19  Curt Larson, 10             16:07.2  
   23  Mark Forsberg, 10           16:29.4  
   33  Dan Grutter, 9              17:13.0  
Time = 1:19:57.5     Places = 85

4. SpringLkPk/StAnthony
    6  Matt Krueger, 10            15:15.6  
   12  Scott Carter, 9             15:49.2  
   21  Tristan Driscoll, 9         16:21.4  
   22  Ryan Ledin, 9               16:26.9  
   34  David Sellers, 10           17:13.7  
   40  John Kirk, 9                17:51.6  
   50  Tony Perkins, 9             19:45.0  
Time = 1:21:06.6     Places = 95

5. Hibbing
    5  Pete Croswell, 9            15:13.9  
    9  Eric Mattson, 10            15:30.2  
   25  Greg Jensen, 10             16:34.5  
   26  Kyle Marchuk, 10            16:48.9  
   32  Mike VanDelinder, 10        17:12.6  
   37  Matt Marolt, 10             17:32.0  
Time = 1:21:19.9     Places = 97

6. Duluth Denfeld
    4  Jake Lockwood, 10           15:08.5  
    7  Andy Bucci, 10              15:20.5  
   18  Dave Mehling, 10            16:02.6  
   39  Jacob Bergh, 10             17:46.5  
   43  Dylan Fairchild, 9          17:58.6  
Time = 1:22:16.6     Places = 111

7. Mt Iron-Buhl/Virginia
    1  Mike Richards, 9            14:37.6  
   20  Steve Skube, 10             16:13.0  
   41  Tim Chaney, 10              17:53.0  
   42  Tyler Peloquin, 9           17:54.1  
   46  Joe Stauty, 9               18:26.2  
   48  Habib Jamal, 10             18:38.2  
   51  Kelsey Kolstad, 9           19:53.5  
Time = 1:25:03.7     Places = 150

8. Irondale
   29  Bryson Dean, 10             17:03.4  
   30  Jim Greig, 10               17:04.4  
   44  Chris LeCuyer, 9            18:13.1  
   45  Will Kramlinge, 10          18:13.6  
   49  Tom Erkfitz, 10             19:12.3  
Time = 1:29:46.6     Places = 197

9. Totino Grace
   28  Daniel Beacher, 10          17:03.0  
   35  Paul Donlin, 10             17:21.6  
   38  Chris Johnson, 10           17:35.8  
   47  Tony Mikelonus, 10          18:36.1  
   52  Mark Nelson, 10             20:07.7  
Time = 1:30:44.0     Places = 200

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  Mike Richards, 9            14:37.6    Mt Iron-Buhl/Virginia
    2     2  Thomas Hawkins, 9           14:44.1    Osseo
    3     3  Erick Maloney, 10           15:05.5    Minneapolis Southwest
    4     4  Jake Lockwood, 10           15:08.5    Duluth Denfeld
    5     5  Pete Croswell, 9            15:13.9    Hibbing
    6     6  Matt Krueger, 10            15:15.6    SpringLkPk/StAnthony
    7        Justin Pittman, 10          15:15.9    St. Francis
    8     7  Andy Bucci, 10              15:20.5    Duluth Denfeld
    9     8  R J. Uglow, 9               15:24.0    Osseo
   10     9  Eric Mattson, 10            15:30.2    Hibbing
   11    10  Sam Suparat, 10             15:35.3    North Branch
   12    11  Pablo Huinansaca, 10        15:47.6    Minneapolis Southwest
   13    12  Scott Carter, 9             15:49.2    SpringLkPk/StAnthony
   14    13  Nick Sausen, 9              15:50.9    North Branch
   15        Greg Stignani, 10           15:56.5    Chisago Lakes
   16    14  Mitchell Pohlkamp, 9        15:57.5    North Branch
   17    15  Guy Bahnemann, 10           15:58.4    North Branch
   18    16  Micah Blazer, 10            15:59.2    Minneapolis Southwest
   19        Nik Renshaw, 9              15:59.7    St. Francis
   20    17  Quin Shanley, 10            16:02.4    North Branch
   21    18  Dave Mehling, 10            16:02.6    Duluth Denfeld
   22        P J Gorath, 9               16:03.7    Grand Rapids
   23    19  Curt Larson, 10             16:07.2    Osseo
   24    20  Steve Skube, 10             16:13.0    Mt Iron-Buhl/Virginia
   25    21  Tristan Driscoll, 9         16:21.4    SpringLkPk/StAnthony
   26        Alex Mikelson, 9            16:25.3    Proctor
   27    22  Ryan Ledin, 9               16:26.9    SpringLkPk/StAnthony
   28        Jacob Holen, 9              16:28.1    St. Francis
   29    23  Mark Forsberg, 10           16:29.4    Osseo
   30    24  Evan Rowe, 9                16:32.0    Minneapolis Southwest
   31    25  Greg Jensen, 10             16:34.5    Hibbing
   32        Max Jeronimus, 9            16:35.6    Duluth East
   33        Alex Brandt, 10             16:35.9    Duluth Central
   34        Teddy LaFrance, 9           16:36.2    Duluth East
   35    26  Kyle Marchuk, 10            16:48.9    Hibbing
   36    27  Eric Carter, 9              16:50.6    Minneapolis Southwest
   37        Travis Bator, 10            17:00.9    St. Francis
   38    28  Daniel Beacher, 10          17:03.0    Totino Grace
   39    29  Bryson Dean, 10             17:03.4    Irondale
   40    30  Jim Greig, 10               17:04.4    Irondale
   41    31  David Jewett, 10            17:09.2    Minneapolis Southwest
   42    32  Mike VanDelinder, 10        17:12.6    Hibbing
   43    33  Dan Grutter, 9              17:13.0    Osseo
   44        Joe Parpala, 10             17:13.4    Cloquet
   45    34  David Sellers, 10           17:13.7    SpringLkPk/StAnthony
   46        Matt Carlson, 10            17:14.0    Cloquet
   47        Dan Kerfeld, 9              17:18.4    Duluth Central
   48    35  Paul Donlin, 10             17:21.6    Totino Grace
   49    36  Gavin Weir, 9               17:23.7    Minneapolis Southwest
   50        Brent Hill, 10              17:27.9    Proctor
   51        Ben Marsh, 10               17:30.9    Duluth Central
   52    37  Matt Marolt, 10             17:32.0    Hibbing
   53    38  Chris Johnson, 10           17:35.8    Totino Grace
   54    39  Jacob Bergh, 10             17:46.5    Duluth Denfeld
   55    40  John Kirk, 9                17:51.6    SpringLkPk/StAnthony
   56    41  Tim Chaney, 10              17:53.0    Mt Iron-Buhl/Virginia
   57    42  Tyler Peloquin, 9           17:54.1    Mt Iron-Buhl/Virginia
   58    43  Dylan Fairchild, 9          17:58.6    Duluth Denfeld
   59        Ian boyer, 10               18:02.9    Proctor
   60        Graham Faulkner, 9          18:04.1    Grand Rapids
   61    44  Chris LeCuyer, 9            18:13.1    Irondale
   62    45  Will Kramlinge, 10          18:13.6    Irondale
   63        Derek Maanum, 10            18:16.1    Minneapolis Southwest
   64    46  Joe Stauty, 9               18:26.2    Mt Iron-Buhl/Virginia
   65    47  Tony Mikelonus, 10          18:36.1    Totino Grace
   66    48  Habib Jamal, 10             18:38.2    Mt Iron-Buhl/Virginia
   67        Mike Ness, 10               18:56.2    Proctor
   68        Jay Ackley, 9               19:10.3    Minneapolis Southwest
   69    49  Tom Erkfitz, 10             19:12.3    Irondale
   70        Chad Van Reese, 10          19:13.7    Cloquet
   71        Kevin Meyer, 9              19:17.5    Grand Rapids
   72    50  Tony Perkins, 9             19:45.0    SpringLkPk/StAnthony
   73        David Krueger, 10           19:51.2    SpringLkPk/StAnthony
   74        Chris Premo, 9              19:53.2    Duluth Central
   75    51  Kelsey Kolstad, 9           19:53.5    Mt Iron-Buhl/Virginia
   76    52  Mark Nelson, 10             20:07.7    Totino Grace
   77        Jackson Tolins, 9           20:24.4    Minneapolis Southwest
   78        Devin Walter, 9             21:13.8    Minneapolis Southwest
   79        Jeff Raderstrong, 9         21:14.7    Minneapolis Southwest

Results also available for varsity boys . Return to home page.