Enger Park Golf Course, Duluth

Oct. 6, 2001

37, wind 3 mph, sunny, dry course
Results by Apple Raceberry JaM

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Results also available for varsity girls


  1   Hermantown               42    1    6    7   11   17   25   41   11:23.4    1:29.8
  2   East Grand Forks        117   13   14   23   28   39             12:16.0    1:02.7
  3   Elgin-Millville         128    2   27   29   32   38   57        12:14.0    1:56.5
  4   Proctor                 137    9   24   33   34   37   40   44   12:24.1    1:09.3
  5   Cook County/SilverBay   151    4   16   22   54   55   60        12:43.6    3:05.0
  6   Eveleth-Gilbert         155    3   15   35   43   59   65   69   12:36.8    3:17.4
  7   Rockford                167   18   21   30   45   53   62   63   12:47.7    1:53.2
  8   North Branch            173   10   26   31   50   56   58   61   12:54.5    2:35.4
  9   Rush City               176   12   20   46   47   51   52   68   12:51.0    2:03.9
 10   Osseo                   178    8   19   36   49   66             13:04.7    3:51.6
 11   MarshallSchool Duluth   226    5   42   48   64   67             13:48.1    4:44.1


1. Hermantown
    1  Janelle Luczak, 8           10:32.5  
    6  Destanie Melin, 7           11:14.8  
    7  Ashley McEachren, 7         11:29.2  
   11  Stacie Peterson, 8          11:38.3  
   17  Heidi Engstad, 8            12:02.3  
   25  Jordan Brown, 7             12:23.7  
   41  Kristen Shallow, 8          12:53.1  
Time = 56:56.8     Places = 42

2. East Grand Forks
   13  Kelsey Aune, 7              11:45.5  
   14  Kayla Fredlund, 7           11:57.7  
   23  Ashley Ranton, 7            12:21.4  
   28  Tiffany Buchholz, 7         12:27.4  
   39  Karla Pankonin, 7           12:48.2  
Time = 1:01:19.9     Places = 117

3. Elgin-Millville
    2  Alyssa Alness, 8            10:51.1  
   27  Jessica Johnson, 8          12:26.5  
   29  Alisha Ball, 7              12:27.9  
   32  Bobbi Jo Bemmert, 7         12:37.0  
   38  Nicole Dick, 8              12:47.5  
   57  Kristen Gustafson, 7        14:14.6  
Time = 1:01:09.9     Places = 128

4. Proctor
    9  Nina LeMay, 8               11:34.7  
   24  Brittany Ollila, 8          12:22.3  
   33  Carly Wilmot, 8             12:39.0  
   34  Vicki Merling, 8            12:40.4  
   37  Katie O'Reilly, 7           12:44.0  
   40  Cassandra Roper, 7          12:49.6  
   44  Marti Kiesling, 8           13:11.5  
Time = 1:02:00.3     Places = 137

5. Cook County/SilverBay
    4  Heidi Sande, 7              11:04.7  
   16  Ellen Sobieck, 7            12:00.1  
   22  Maddy Cochrane, 8           12:14.0  
   54  Rosie Thompson, 7           14:09.4  
   55  Kelly Olson, 8              14:09.7  
   60  Amanda Drake, 7             14:17.3  
Time = 1:03:37.7     Places = 151

6. Eveleth-Gilbert
    3  Renae Doty, 7               10:58.4  
   15  Tessa Wagner, 7             11:59.1  
   35  Noel Clapsaddle, 7          12:41.3  
   43  Cara Rice, 7                13:09.5  
   59  Katie Hodapp, 7             14:15.7  
   65  Alex Dertinger, 7           15:24.1  
   69  Nicole Sklors, 7            16:12.1  
Time = 1:03:03.8     Places = 155

7. Rockford
   18  Rebecca George, 7           12:04.3  
   21  Amanda Schuller, 8          12:12.8  
   30  Michele Atkins, 7           12:31.9  
   45  Lauren Nordgren, 8          13:12.2  
   53  Danielle Reinke, 9          13:57.5  
   62  Shannon Pepin, 8            14:43.2  
   63  Gabrielle Westberry, 7      14:58.6  
Time = 1:03:58.5     Places = 167

8. North Branch
   10  Betsy Hammer, 8             11:36.2  
   26  Kelsey Lloyd, 7             12:25.9  
   31  Jessica Salo, 7             12:35.1  
   50  Maureen Kearney, 8          13:43.6  
   56  Nichole Cuddihy-Katzmar, 7  14:11.6  
   58  Kaitlynn Bannister, 7       14:15.0  
   61  Jessica Ness, 7             14:33.0  
Time = 1:04:32.2     Places = 173

9. Rush City
   12  Becky Kemer, 8              11:40.4  
   20  Amber Hoffman, 7            12:09.7  
   46  Kayla Johnson, 8            13:17.9  
   47  Janet Kemen, 7              13:22.6  
   51  Charlene Hebert, 7          13:44.3  
   52  Sammi Luckoff, 7            13:52.5  
   68  Shaina Matzke, 7            16:01.6  
Time = 1:04:14.7     Places = 176

10. Osseo
    8  Michele Peterson, 8         11:34.4  
   19  Katie Reins, 7              12:09.0  
   36  Ruth Senum, 8               12:42.5  
   49  Emily Weidenbach, 8         13:31.5  
   66  Dani Gruber, 7              15:26.0  
Time = 1:05:23.2     Places = 178

11. MarshallSchool Duluth
    5  Hannah Johnson, 8           11:11.1  
   42  Abbey Leff, 7               13:00.5  
   48  Natasha Schaepfer, 7        13:30.7  
   64  Felicia Schaepfer, 7        15:22.7  
   67  Stacey Meese, 8             15:55.2  
Time = 1:09:00.1     Places = 226

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  Janelle Luczak, 8           10:32.5    Hermantown
    2        Anna Glowacki, 8            10:45.3    Mt Iron-Buhl/Virginia
    3     2  Alyssa Alness, 8            10:51.1    Elgin-Millville
    4     3  Renae Doty, 7               10:58.4    Eveleth-Gilbert
    5     4  Heidi Sande, 7              11:04.7    Cook County/SilverBay
    6     5  Hannah Johnson, 8           11:11.1    MarshallSchool Duluth
    7     6  Destanie Melin, 7           11:14.8    Hermantown
    8        Alyssa Lund, 7              11:21.9    Mesabi East
    9        Lacey Joslin, 7             11:26.5    Esko
   10     7  Ashley McEachren, 7         11:29.2    Hermantown
   11        Victoria Thomas, 8          11:33.8    Cloquet
   12     8  Michele Peterson, 8         11:34.4    Osseo
   13     9  Nina LeMay, 8               11:34.7    Proctor
   14    10  Betsy Hammer, 8             11:36.2    North Branch
   15    11  Stacie Peterson, 8          11:38.3    Hermantown
   16    12  Becky Kemer, 8              11:40.4    Rush City
   17    13  Kelsey Aune, 7              11:45.5    East Grand Forks
   18        Lee Holzemer, 8             11:45.8    Greenway
   19        Dena Hunter, 7              11:50.4    Duluth Central
   20        Fianna Carlson, 8           11:54.4    Breck
   21    14  Kayla Fredlund, 7           11:57.7    East Grand Forks
   22    15  Tessa Wagner, 7             11:59.1    Eveleth-Gilbert
   23    16  Ellen Sobieck, 7            12:00.1    Cook County/SilverBay
   24    17  Heidi Engstad, 8            12:02.3    Hermantown
   25    18  Rebecca George, 7           12:04.3    Rockford
   26    19  Katie Reins, 7              12:09.0    Osseo
   27        Madie Heinrich, 7           12:09.5    Lake of the Woods
   28    20  Amber Hoffman, 7            12:09.7    Rush City
   29    21  Amanda Schuller, 8          12:12.8    Rockford
   30    22  Maddy Cochrane, 8           12:14.0    Cook County/SilverBay
   31        Katelyn Pollard, 7          12:18.4    Mesabi East
   32        Nina Peterson, 7            12:20.3    Mesabi East
   33    23  Ashley Ranton, 7            12:21.4    East Grand Forks
   34    24  Brittany Ollila, 8          12:22.3    Proctor
   35        Michelle Noreen, 7          12:22.8    ThiefRiverFalls Lincn
   36        Lauren Faffler, 7           12:23.3    SpringLkPk/StAnthony
   37    25  Jordan Brown, 7             12:23.7    Hermantown
   38        Molly Juntunen, 7           12:25.1    Esko
   39    26  Kelsey Lloyd, 7             12:25.9    North Branch
   40    27  Jessica Johnson, 8          12:26.5    Elgin-Millville
   41    28  Tiffany Buchholz, 7         12:27.4    East Grand Forks
   42    29  Alisha Ball, 7              12:27.9    Elgin-Millville
   43    30  Michele Atkins, 7           12:31.9    Rockford
   44    31  Jessica Salo, 7             12:35.1    North Branch
   45    32  Bobbi Jo Bemmert, 7         12:37.0    Elgin-Millville
   46        Brittney Helmbrecht, 7      12:38.6    Grand Rapids
   47    33  Carly Wilmot, 8             12:39.0    Proctor
   48    34  Vicki Merling, 8            12:40.4    Proctor
   49        Maggie Lenarz, 7            12:40.7    Grand Rapids
   50    35  Noel Clapsaddle, 7          12:41.3    Eveleth-Gilbert
   51    36  Ruth Senum, 8               12:42.5    Osseo
   52        Annie Harms, 7              12:42.8    International Falls
   53        Ashley LaVigne, 7           12:43.1    International Falls
   54    37  Katie O'Reilly, 7           12:44.0    Proctor
   55        Ashlee Peterson, 7          12:45.0    International Falls
   56    38  Nicole Dick, 8              12:47.5    Elgin-Millville
   57    39  Karla Pankonin, 7           12:48.2    East Grand Forks
   58    40  Cassandra Roper, 7          12:49.6    Proctor
   59    41  Kristen Shallow, 8          12:53.1    Hermantown
   60        Tanya House, 7              12:54.6    Carlton/Wrenshall
   61        Maggie Donahue, 7           13:00.3    Esko
   62    42  Abbey Leff, 7               13:00.5    MarshallSchool Duluth
   63        Stephanie Driscoll, 7       13:04.2    SpringLkPk/StAnthony
   64        Delaine Wendling, 7         13:04.9    Duluth Central
   65    43  Cara Rice, 7                13:09.5    Eveleth-Gilbert
   66        Brooke Rundall, 7           13:10.8    ThiefRiverFalls Lincn
   67    44  Marti Kiesling, 8           13:11.5    Proctor
   68    45  Lauren Nordgren, 8          13:12.2    Rockford
   69        Alexis Simmons, 7           13:12.5    Duluth Central
   70        Taylor Stowell, 7           13:16.9    Cloquet
   71    46  Kayla Johnson, 8            13:17.9    Rush City
   72        Maggie Roper, 8             13:21.8    Proctor
   73    47  Janet Kemen, 7              13:22.6    Rush City
   74        Jessica Bostrom, 8          13:28.9    Hinckley-Finlayson
   75    48  Natasha Schaepfer, 7        13:30.7    MarshallSchool Duluth
   76    49  Emily Weidenbach, 8         13:31.5    Osseo
   77        Tori LeMay, 7               13:32.2    Proctor
   78    50  Maureen Kearney, 8          13:43.6    North Branch
   79    51  Charlene Hebert, 7          13:44.3    Rush City
   80        Stephanie Haas, 7           13:46.2    SpringLkPk/StAnthony
   81    52  Sammi Luckoff, 7            13:52.5    Rush City
   82    53  Danielle Reinke, 9          13:57.5    Rockford
   83        Jade Kilien, 8              14:03.6    ThiefRiverFalls Lincn
   84    54  Rosie Thompson, 7           14:09.4    Cook County/SilverBay
   85    55  Kelly Olson, 8              14:09.7    Cook County/SilverBay
   86    56  Nichole Cuddihy-Katzmar, 7  14:11.6    North Branch
   87        Alica Wagenbach, 7          14:13.1    Hermantown
   88        Carolyn Setter, 8           14:14.2    St. Francis
   89    57  Kristen Gustafson, 7        14:14.6    Elgin-Millville
   90    58  Kaitlynn Bannister, 7       14:15.0    North Branch
   91        Katie Pauly, 7              14:15.2    Hinckley-Finlayson
   92    59  Katie Hodapp, 7             14:15.7    Eveleth-Gilbert
   93    60  Amanda Drake, 7             14:17.3    Cook County/SilverBay
   94        Meghan Johnson, 8           14:19.4    Cloquet
   95        Sarah Flagstad, 8           14:23.1    Hinckley-Finlayson
   96    61  Jessica Ness, 7             14:33.0    North Branch
   97        Rachel Billman, 7           14:34.5    Hermantown
   98        Caroline Lund, 8            14:34.8    Duluth East
   99        Amy Pierce, 7               14:35.5    Hermantown
  100    62  Shannon Pepin, 8            14:43.2    Rockford
  101    63  Gabrielle Westberry, 7      14:58.6    Rockford
  102        Abbi Reider, 7              15:10.7    North Branch
  103    64  Felicia Schaepfer, 7        15:22.7    MarshallSchool Duluth
  104    65  Alex Dertinger, 7           15:24.1    Eveleth-Gilbert
  105    66  Dani Gruber, 7              15:26.0    Osseo
  106        Kristi Tusler, 8            15:29.2    Rockford
  107        Laura Schnell, 7            15:29.5    Grand Rapids
  108    67  Stacey Meese, 8             15:55.2    MarshallSchool Duluth
  109    68  Shaina Matzke, 7            16:01.6    Rush City
  110    69  Nicole Sklors, 7            16:12.1    Eveleth-Gilbert
  111        Laura Gamache, 8            16:18.6    Rush City

Results also available for varsity girls . Return to home page.