Computer Services for Road Races and Triathlons
Apple Raceberry JaM is a complete results service. We post entry information for your race on the Internet before the event, enter names and addresses in our computers, score the race with our equipment on or off site, and post your results on the Internet afterwards.
We also supply services for cross country and track meets.
Current Rates: Conventional Timing
Your total cost is the sum of charges for registration and results processing, with a minimum of $400 plus travel from Edina.
Includes data entry of name, age, sex, and full address; alphabetization for packet pickup; labels (with bar codes for ID tags, and, if you want, addresses for packets and post-race mailing); lists (numerical and alphabetical).
Basic Fee
25 cents per entrant for preregistered runners and 75 cents for race-day entries in races scored on site. For races scored off site, there is no extra charge for race-day entrants.
- 5 cents per entrant if previous best time is recorded (and PR's noted in results)
- 5 cents per entrant if shirt size is recorded (and printed on packet labels)
- 5 cents per entrant if entries are mailed to us and we open them and separate checks
Results Processing
Includes complete results (individuals in order of finish overall, top age/sex class finishers, teams). Alphabetical results are also available, at no extra charge. Runners can be ranked by WAVA age-graded factors. Also includes use of our multi-lane timers, posting results on raceberryjam.com, and emailing individual results to finishers.
Results At Race Site
30 cents per finisher or $35 per hour on site, whichever is greater. For triathlons and relays, splits recorded are added to the number of finishers. The per-hour charge includes an hour before the race. Thus the minimum results charge is usually about $70 for a 5K and $125 for a half marathon.
Base Charge
Travel expenses, plus $75 and $50 per finish line, with a minimum of $300. This is in addition to the per-finisher or per-hour charges detailed above. Note that the service includes, in effect, at least one timer per finish line, and a finish line clock.
Chip Timing
Apple Raceberry JaM now offers chip timing services. We use the IPICO Sports Tag, the timing device used at the Bolder Boulder mega race. We don't own 47,000 tags, but we can probably handle your race.
Advantages of chip timing include speed, accurate times, and a much simpler chute system; all you have to do is to retrieve the chips before the runners get to their cars; you don't have to try to collect bar codes from the runners in the same order as they cross the finish line. The hardware is relatively expensive, and so entails higher charges. Race numbers are usually unnecessary (unless you want them for backup or for a photographer), so you can save some money there. |
Includes data entry of name, age, sex, and full address; alphabetization for packet pickup; labels for post-race mailing); lists (numerical and alphabetical). Also, complete preparation for chip distribution. You just hand them out by ID number.
Results Processing
Includes complete results (individuals in order of finish overall, top age/sex class finishers, teams). Alphabetical results are also available, at no extra charge. Runners can be ranked by WAVA age-graded factors. Also includes use of our multi-lane timers and sending results by modem or fax to local newspapers.
$2.00 per entrant covers almost all the charges listed above for conventional timing, including a finish line clock, except for the following:
- $500 per split (including the start if the mats cannot be moved from there to the finish)
- $10 per lost tag (tag recovery is the responsibility of the race!)
- 50 cents for race-day entries
- 5 cents per preregistered mail-in entrant if entries are mailed to us and we open them and separate checks
- travel expenses
Minimum charge is $800 plus travel and other surcharges listed above.
Results Production
After the race, Apple Raceberry JaM will print one copy of your results in a form suitable for mailing to your finishers or entrants. They will be put on the Internet the evening of the race (for sample results, see our home page).
Also, we email individual results to all runners whose email addresses we have, either on file or from your entries. Here's a sample:
"Congratulations on your finish in the Mora Half Marathon!
"Your official time was 1:26:03, a pace of 6:34 per mile. You finished 9th out of 166 men and 1st out of the 38 Men 40 - 49. Your chip time was 1:26:03.
"Complete results are available at http://raceberryjam.com.
"Next year's date is Aug. 21. Hope to see you back!"
Post Cards
(optional) 5 cents per finisher for printing individual results and addresses on labels. Standard format includes official time, pace per mile, place overall or by sex, place in age group, and numbers of finishers overall and in age group. To this you can add a return address and several lines of a personalized message.
Performance Guarantee
Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing before the race, Apple Raceberry JaM guarantees that
- When we supply results on site, age-group results for your awards ceremony will be complete within half an hour after your last finisher arrives. If we miss this deadline despite having the data from the finish line in time, the results portion of the fee will be reduced by 1% for every minute we are late.
- If we do the results off site, your results will be complete within 24 hours after our receipt of the data.
Data Base Service
Apple Raceberry JaM maintains a large data base of runners who have participated in the races it services (generally about 15,000 in all) and keeps track of the number of times the runners enter a race and the distances that they run. Labels are available in zip-code order on a single-use basis for 8¢ apiece generally and for 4¢ apiece to Apple Raceberry JaM customers. We can select runners by age, sex, number and type or distance of races run as well as zip code area, and pare the list down to your budget. For a flat fee of $30 we will combine lists of your entrants from the last few years and update their addresses from our data base.
To discuss the possibility of our scoring your race, contact Jack Moran. ARJ software is also available for purchase.