MIAC Outdoor Championships Men

Manitou Field, St. Olaf College

May 10, 2014

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5000 Meter Run
    1 Grant Wintheiser, Jr, St. Olaf                 14:52.59           
    2 Matt Berens, Jr, Bethel                        14:57.41           
    3 Jake Brown, Jr, St. Olaf                       14:59.20           
    4 Jonah Barry, So, Carleton                      14:59.57           
    5 John Subialka, Sr, Saint John's                15:06.73           
    6 Keaton Wendroth, Sr, St. Thomas                15:08.72           
    7 Phillip Meyer, Jr, St. Olaf                    15:08.85           
    8 Jake Campbell, So, St. Olaf                    15:13.85           
    9 Hart Hornor, So, Carleton                      15:21.67           
   10 Matt Scherber, Sr, Saint John's                15:34.46           
   11 Maxwell Kuzara, Fr, Saint John's               15:36.30           
   12 Scott Fusco, Jr, St. Thomas                    15:36.58           
   13 Kyle Wagener, Jr, St. Olaf                     15:39.79           
   14 John Christian, Sr, St. Olaf                   15:43.31           
   15 Auburn Jimenez, Sr, Macalester                 15:44.53           
   16 Paul Nordquist, So, Gustavus                   15:45.32           
   17 Jovan Newsum, Fr, Saint Mary's                 15:46.58           
   18 Jake Burr, So, Saint John's                    15:47.68           
   19 Charlie Baird, So, St. Olaf                    15:52.31           
   20 Nathan Rock, So, Hamline                       15:55.34           
   21 Caleb LeClaire, So, Saint John's               15:57.43           
   22 Evan Jones, Fr, Gustavus                       16:02.72           
   23 Sam Friesen, Fr, Saint John's                  16:02.97           
   24 Nick Traxler, Fr, Saint John's                 16:06.21           
   25 Alexander Ropes, So, Macalester                16:06.30           
   26 Lachlan Hinwood, Fr, Macalester                16:13.87           
   27 Tom Ritter, So, Bethel                         16:17.97           
   28 Dylan Baumann, So, St. Thomas                  16:22.76           
   29 Thomas Knobbe, Fr, Gustavus                    16:32.26           
   30 Adam Brandt, Fr, St. Thomas                    16:58.05           
      Walter Edstrom, Fr, Carleton                        DNC           
      Austin Knowlton, Fr, St. Thomas                     DNC           

100 | 200 | 400 | 800 | 1500 | 5000 | 10000 | 110H | 400H | STEEP 4X100 | 4X400 | 4X800 | LJ | TJ | SP | DT | HT | JT | HJ PV | DEC | Top | Scores

TEAM SCORES Scored 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1 100 Meter Dash, 200 Meter Dash, 400 Meter Dash, 800 Meter Run, 1500 Meter Run, 5000 Meter Run, 10000 Meter Run, 110 Meter Hurdles, 400 Meter Hurdles, 3000m Steeplechase, 4x100 Meter Relay, 4x800 Meter Relay, Long Jump, Shot Put, Discus Throw, Hammer Throw, Javelin Throw, High Jump, Pole Vault, Decathlon 1 St. Thomas 166.5 2 St. Olaf 149.0 3 Hamline 92.0 4 Saint John's 90.0 5 Gustavus 62.5 6 Carleton 57.0 7 Bethel 56.0 8 Concordia Moorhead 44.0 9 Augsburg 33.5 10 Macalester 28.5 11 Saint Mary's 1.0

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