St. Scholastica Invitational Women
Oct. 4, 2006
Sunny, light breeze, mid 50s
Results by Apple Raceberry JaM
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PLACE TEAM POINTS PLACES OF FINISHERS AVG. TIME SPREAD 1* St. Scholastica 29 2 3 4 8 12 13 16 22:13.8 1:24.3 1* Uw-Superior 29 1 5 6 7 10 14 18 22:19.0 1:27.0 3 Crown College 71 9 11 15 17 19 25:11.8 7:14.7 Individuals PLACE FINISHER TIME 1*. St. Scholastica 2 Erin Reicks, So 21:25.3 3 Brittany Peterson, Jr 22:05.7 4 Tara Connolly, Fr 22:12.4 8 Bridget Smith, Jr 22:35.8 12 Maggie Kading, Jr 22:49.5 13 Jenna VanGorp, Fr 23:52.0 16 Lacey Johnstone, So 24:26.6 Total Time = 1:51:08.7 Total Places = 29 1*. Uw-Superior 1 Jenna Halverson, Fr 21:21.3 5 Catherine Schmitt, Fr 22:25.5 6 Emily Dunning, Fr 22:26.7 7 Nicole Uchal, Sr 22:33.2 10 Theresa Patchin, Sr 22:48.2 14 Amy Flessert, So 23:58.6 18 Samantha Miller, So 27:44.5 Total Time = 1:51:34.7 Total Places = 29 3. Crown College 9 Jody Hempel, So 22:37.3 11 Sara Spaulding, Jr 22:49.0 15 Mary White, Fr 24:22.6 17 Kelsey Kaefer, Fr 26:18.0 19 Erika Kalwitz, Fr 29:52.0 Total Time = 2:05:58.8 Total Places = 71 TEAM PLACE SCORE FINISHER TIME TEAM TopClick here for data on men1 1 Jenna Halverson, Fr 21:21.3 Uw-Superior 2 2 Erin Reicks, So 21:25.3 St. Scholastica 3 3 Brittany Peterson, Jr 22:05.7 St. Scholastica 4 4 Tara Connolly, Fr 22:12.4 St. Scholastica 5 5 Catherine Schmitt, Fr 22:25.5 Uw-Superior 6 6 Emily Dunning, Fr 22:26.7 Uw-Superior 7 7 Nicole Uchal, Sr 22:33.2 Uw-Superior 8 8 Bridget Smith, Jr 22:35.8 St. Scholastica 9 9 Jody Hempel, So 22:37.3 Crown College 10 10 Theresa Patchin, Sr 22:48.2 Uw-Superior 11 11 Sara Spaulding, Jr 22:49.0 Crown College 12 12 Maggie Kading, Jr 22:49.5 St. Scholastica 13 13 Jenna VanGorp, Fr 23:52.0 St. Scholastica 14 14 Amy Flessert, So 23:58.6 Uw-Superior 15 15 Mary White, Fr 24:22.6 Crown College 16 16 Lacey Johnstone, So 24:26.6 St. Scholastica 17 Ellie Stasney, Fr 24:30.6 St. Scholastica 18 Michelle Oberg, So 24:43.8 St. Scholastica 19 Brianne Anshus, Fr 25:03.0 St. Scholastica 20 Cat Stafford, So 26:16.0 St. Scholastica 21 17 Kelsey Kaefer, Fr 26:18.0 Crown College 22 18 Samantha Miller, So 27:44.5 Uw-Superior 23 Theresa Anderson, Jr 28:52.1 St. Scholastica 24 Jess Reynolds, Fr 29:51.8 St. Scholastica 25 19 Erika Kalwitz, Fr 29:52.0 Crown College
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