J. A. Curran Sophomores
Grand Rapids Sports Complex
Sep. 19, 2006
Sunny, windy, 40s
Results by Apple Raceberry JaM
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Boys PLACE TEAM POINTS PLACES OF FINISHERS AVG. TIME SPREAD 1 Proctor 31 1 2 5 8 15 17 20 16:52.9 4:05.4 2 Duluth East 42 3 7 9 11 12 13 19 17:29.8 2:40.2 3 Hibbing 50 4 6 10 14 16 18 18:00.8 3:02.4 Incomplete Teams: Chisholm, Cromwell-Floodwood, Ely, Esko, Eveleth-Gilbert, International Falls Lakeview Christian Ac, McGregor, Mlb/Virginia, MooseLake/WillowRiver, Grand Rapids Hermantown, Mesabi East, Duluth Denfeld, Greenway Individuals PLACE FINISHER TIME 1. Proctor 1 Steve Larson, 10 15:13.4 2 Ben Welch, 11 15:15.1 5 Drew Schweiger, 9 17:13.3 8 Dylan McIntosh, 9 17:23.6 15 Travis Tesser, 9 19:18.8 17 Anthony Moore, 9 19:51.3 20 Cody Privette, 8 22:12.0 Total Time = 1:24:24.1 Total Places = 31 2. Duluth East 3 Zac Schendel, 8 16:02.8 7 Forest Anderson, 9 17:19.6 9 Mark Paul, 10 17:35.5 11 Tony Squillace, 9 17:48.0 12 Ryan Gallagher, 9 18:43.0 13 Sean Monroe, 9 18:59.3 19 Andrew Choquette, 9 21:37.8 Total Time = 1:27:28.9 Total Places = 42 3. Hibbing 4 Steven Givens, 10 16:25.4 6 Mike Kangas, 9 17:17.6 10 Cody Nehiba, 9 17:37.5 14 Mark Pearson, 10 19:15.6 16 Curran Dougherty, 9 19:27.8 18 Chris Monacellli, 9 19:51.6 Total Time = 1:30:03.8 Total Places = 50 TEAM PLACE SCORE FINISHER TIME TEAM TopClick here for data on girls1 Thomas Briggs, 10 15:12.9 International Falls 2 1 Steve Larson, 10 15:13.4 Proctor 3 2 Ben Welch, 11 15:15.1 Proctor 4 Daniel Eldien, 10 15:17.0 International Falls 5 Alec Osthoff, 9 15:19.8 Ely 6 Michael Bounds, 8 15:38.7 International Falls 7 3 Zac Schendel, 8 16:02.8 Duluth East 8 Leo Schweiss, 9 16:16.7 Chisholm 9 4 Steven Givens, 10 16:25.4 Hibbing 10 Tim Garay, 9 16:42.1 Esko 11 Aaren Hansen, 9 16:58.1 Hermantown 12 Sam Salo, 9 17:04.1 Grand Rapids 13 Jericho Gatlin, 8 17:08.3 Lakeview Christian Ac 14 5 Drew Schweiger, 9 17:13.3 Proctor 15 Nat Marcy, 9 17:14.6 International Falls 16 Ted Dowling, 9 17:16.3 Grand Rapids 17 6 Mike Kangas, 9 17:17.6 Hibbing 18 7 Forest Anderson, 9 17:19.6 Duluth East 19 8 Dylan McIntosh, 9 17:23.6 Proctor 20 Chris Westin, 10 17:31.7 Mlb/Virginia 21 Andy Stransky, 9 17:32.5 Eveleth-Gilbert 22 Ben McCloud, 9 17:33.9 Grand Rapids 23 9 Mark Paul, 10 17:35.5 Duluth East 24 10 Cody Nehiba, 9 17:37.5 Hibbing 25 Jeremy Ross, 9 17:45.6 Eveleth-Gilbert 26 11 Tony Squillace, 9 17:48.0 Duluth East 27 Jon Fuchs, 9 18:34.0 Lakeview Christian Ac 28 12 Ryan Gallagher, 9 18:43.0 Duluth East 29 13 Sean Monroe, 9 18:59.3 Duluth East 30 Jacob Erickson, 9 19:05.2 Esko 31 Sean Gibbon, 8 19:05.7 Hermantown 32 14 Mark Pearson, 10 19:15.6 Hibbing 33 Tyler Jusczak, 8 19:17.2 Lakeview Christian Ac 34 15 Travis Tesser, 9 19:18.8 Proctor 35 16 Curran Dougherty, 9 19:27.8 Hibbing 36 17 Anthony Moore, 9 19:51.3 Proctor 37 18 Chris Monacellli, 9 19:51.6 Hibbing 38 Anders Skarman, 9 20:57.9 Duluth Denfeld 39 Ross Priolo, 10 20:58.1 Duluth Denfeld 40 Jesse Galonski, 10 21:12.9 Mlb/Virginia 41 Jordan Hackensmith, 9 21:27.3 Cromwell-Floodwood 42 19 Andrew Choquette, 9 21:37.8 Duluth East 43 Chris Whited, 9 21:53.8 MooseLake/WillowRiver 44 20 Cody Privette, 8 22:12.0 Proctor 45 Nick Dougherty, 9 23:12.9 MooseLake/WillowRiver 46 D J(Dan) Talarico, 10 24:49.3 Proctor
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