White Tail Golf Course, Colfax, Wis.

Oct. 3, 2003

55, cloudy, calm
Results by Apple Raceberry JaM

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Results also available for 5K


  1   St. Olaf                 53    2    5   22   24   35   44   26:13.9    1:06.3
  2   Saint John's             58    8   12   17   21   40   45   26:20.9      31.2
  3   St. Thomas               75    3   16   26   30   34   39   26:30.3    1:13.5
  4   Wisconsin-Platteville    78    6    7   28   37   38   43   26:32.3    1:12.1
  5   Wisconsin-Eau Claire     79   10   15   23   31   42   54   26:31.6      55.9
  6   Eau Claire Alumni        82    9   11   13   49   61   63   26:31.9    1:32.7
 7*   Wisconsin-Stout          84    1   20   27   36   46   47   26:33.2    1:34.9
 7*   Wisconsin-La Crosse      84   14   18   19   33             26:36.6      53.0
  9   Wisconsin-Oshkosh       122    4   29   41   48   50   51   26:53.9    1:43.5
 10   Hamline                 176   25   32   52   67             27:52.7    2:43.3
 11   St. Scholastica         228   55   56   58   59   62   66   28:40.0       9.4
 12   Winona State            242   53   57   64   68   70   71   29:03.7    2:00.3
 13   North Central (Minn)    266   60   65   69   72             30:27.9    3:58.7


1. St. Olaf
    2  Kelly Fulton, Jr            25:40.9  
    5  Malcolm Richards, Jr        25:51.1  
   22  Peder Arneson, Sr           26:36.5  
   24  Nic Reichenbach, Sr         26:47.2  
   35  Paul Sovik-Siemens, Jr      27:10.5  
   44  Marc Ellingson, So          27:24.9  
Time = 1:44:55.5     Places = 53

2. Saint John's
    8  Tim Smit, So                26:04.5  
   12  Aaron Bumgarner, Sr         26:11.8  
   17  Michael Marschel, Sr        26:31.6  
   21  Brian Anderson, Sr          26:35.6  
   40  Jordan Hoaglund, Fr         27:18.1  
   45  Paul Jeske, So              27:25.8  
Time = 1:45:23.3     Places = 58

3. St. Thomas
    3  Will Hawthorne, Fr          25:45.7  
   16  John Schwerkoske, So        26:25.4  
   26  Corey Fusco, Jr             26:50.9  
   30  Bill Kretsch, Sr            26:59.2  
   34  Colin Sullivan, So          27:09.2  
   39  Franz Klein, Jr             27:17.2  
Time = 1:46:01.1     Places = 75

4. Wisconsin-Platteville
    6  Nathan Warnberg, So         26:00.8  
    7  Adam Christnovich, Sr       26:01.6  
   28  Bob Dillis, So              26:54.0  
   37  Josh Placke, So             27:12.9  
   38  Jesse Spankowski, Sr        27:15.8  
   43  Kyle Stangel, Fr            27:24.1  
Time = 1:46:09.1     Places = 78

5. Wisconsin-Eau Claire
   10  Adam Condit, Jr             26:08.8  
   15  Ben Schmiege, Jr            26:14.2  
   23  Micah Hernandez, Jr         26:38.8  
   31  Jacob Ebner, Jr             27:04.6  
   42  Matt Hofkes, So             27:22.8  
   54  Nate Hall, So               28:18.4  
Time = 1:46:06.2     Places = 79

6. Eau Claire Alumni
    9  Rich Maleniak               26:05.8  
   11  Bill Skiba                  26:10.5  
   13  Jason Finch                 26:12.8  
   49  Kevin Larson                27:38.5  
   61  Matt Lahn                   29:04.2  
   63  Joel Fredricks              29:20.7  
Time = 1:46:07.4     Places = 82

7*. Wisconsin-Stout
    1  Dave Huber, Sr              25:36.5  
   20  Ryan Chernik, Jr            26:33.5  
   27  Brett Heimstead, So         26:51.4  
   36  Nate Haeny, Fr              27:11.4  
   46  Casey Otto, Sr              27:28.6  
   47  Adam Burrack, So            27:29.7  
Time = 1:46:12.7     Places = 84

7*. Wisconsin-La Crosse
   14  Sean Luedke, So             26:13.8  
   18  James DeBaker, Fr           26:32.8  
   19  Kyle Long, Fr               26:33.1  
   33  Nate Koster, Fr             27:06.7  
Time = 1:46:26.2     Places = 84

9. Wisconsin-Oshkosh
    4  Jesse Sanchez, So           25:47.4  
   29  Shelby Anderson, Jr         26:58.8  
   41  Nate Boehlke, Fr            27:18.5  
   48  Ryan Richardson, Fr         27:30.8  
   50  Harrison Fegley, Fr         27:39.6  
   51  Chris Anderson, Sr          27:48.8  
Time = 1:47:35.4     Places = 122

10. Hamline
   25  Travis Bristow, Fr          26:50.3  
   32  Jeff Metzdorff, So          27:05.5  
   52  Eric Langsev, So            28:01.6  
   67  Peter Kuznia, Sr            29:33.5  
Time = 1:51:30.9     Places = 176

11. St. Scholastica
   55  Josiah Nelson, Sr           28:35.2  
   56  Simon Lick, Sr              28:37.5  
   58  Troy Abfalter, Sr           28:42.7  
   59  Josh Gookins, Jr            28:44.5  
   62  Ben Hadrich, So             29:13.3  
   66  Chad Johnson, Jr            29:32.1  
Time = 1:54:39.8     Places = 228

12. Winona State
   53  Aaron Schwarzenbart, Jr     28:05.9  
   57  Michael Pendleton, Sr       28:38.0  
   64  Shuei Kato, Fr              29:24.8  
   68  Greg Felling, Jr            30:06.2  
   70  William Hessian, Sr         30:49.8  
   71  Nick Hartlep, Fr            30:51.6  
Time = 1:56:14.7     Places = 242

13. North Central (Minn)
   60  Dan Scally, Fr              28:49.5  
   65  Jim Tilus, So               29:27.6  
   69  Tim Austin, So              30:46.4  
   72  Charlie Griffith, So        32:48.2  
Time = 2:01:51.5     Places = 266

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  Dave Huber, Sr              25:36.5    Wisconsin-Stout
    2     2  Kelly Fulton, Jr            25:40.9    St. Olaf
    3     3  Will Hawthorne, Fr          25:45.7    St. Thomas
    4     4  Jesse Sanchez, So           25:47.4    Wisconsin-Oshkosh
    5     5  Malcolm Richards, Jr        25:51.1    St. Olaf
    6     6  Nathan Warnberg, So         26:00.8    Wisconsin-Platteville
    7     7  Adam Christnovich, Sr       26:01.6    Wisconsin-Platteville
    8     8  Tim Smit, So                26:04.5    Saint John's
    9     9  Rich Maleniak               26:05.8    Eau Claire Alumni
   10    10  Adam Condit, Jr             26:08.8    Wisconsin-Eau Claire
   11    11  Bill Skiba                  26:10.5    Eau Claire Alumni
   12    12  Aaron Bumgarner, Sr         26:11.8    Saint John's
   13    13  Jason Finch                 26:12.8    Eau Claire Alumni
   14    14  Sean Luedke, So             26:13.8    Wisconsin-La Crosse
   15    15  Ben Schmiege, Jr            26:14.2    Wisconsin-Eau Claire
   16    16  John Schwerkoske, So        26:25.4    St. Thomas
   17    17  Michael Marschel, Sr        26:31.6    Saint John's
   18    18  James DeBaker, Fr           26:32.8    Wisconsin-La Crosse
   19    19  Kyle Long, Fr               26:33.1    Wisconsin-La Crosse
   20    20  Ryan Chernik, Jr            26:33.5    Wisconsin-Stout
   21    21  Brian Anderson, Sr          26:35.6    Saint John's
   22    22  Peder Arneson, Sr           26:36.5    St. Olaf
   23    23  Micah Hernandez, Jr         26:38.8    Wisconsin-Eau Claire
   24    24  Nic Reichenbach, Sr         26:47.2    St. Olaf
   25    25  Travis Bristow, Fr          26:50.3    Hamline
   26    26  Corey Fusco, Jr             26:50.9    St. Thomas
   27    27  Brett Heimstead, So         26:51.4    Wisconsin-Stout
   28    28  Bob Dillis, So              26:54.0    Wisconsin-Platteville
   29    29  Shelby Anderson, Jr         26:58.8    Wisconsin-Oshkosh
   30    30  Bill Kretsch, Sr            26:59.2    St. Thomas
   31    31  Jacob Ebner, Jr             27:04.6    Wisconsin-Eau Claire
   32    32  Jeff Metzdorff, So          27:05.5    Hamline
   33    33  Nate Koster, Fr             27:06.7    Wisconsin-La Crosse
   34    34  Colin Sullivan, So          27:09.2    St. Thomas
   35    35  Paul Sovik-Siemens, Jr      27:10.5    St. Olaf
   36    36  Nate Haeny, Fr              27:11.4    Wisconsin-Stout
   37    37  Josh Placke, So             27:12.9    Wisconsin-Platteville
   38    38  Jesse Spankowski, Sr        27:15.8    Wisconsin-Platteville
   39    39  Franz Klein, Jr             27:17.2    St. Thomas
   40    40  Jordan Hoaglund, Fr         27:18.1    Saint John's
   41    41  Nate Boehlke, Fr            27:18.5    Wisconsin-Oshkosh
   42    42  Matt Hofkes, So             27:22.8    Wisconsin-Eau Claire
   43    43  Kyle Stangel, Fr            27:24.1    Wisconsin-Platteville
   44    44  Marc Ellingson, So          27:24.9    St. Olaf
   45        David Chancellor, So        27:25.1    Wisconsin-Platteville
   46    45  Paul Jeske, So              27:25.8    Saint John's
   47    46  Casey Otto, Sr              27:28.6    Wisconsin-Stout
   48    47  Adam Burrack, So            27:29.7    Wisconsin-Stout
   49        Greg Gesell, Sr             27:30.5    Saint John's
   50    48  Ryan Richardson, Fr         27:30.8    Wisconsin-Oshkosh
   51        Chad Reuter, Sr             27:31.9    Saint John's
   52    49  Kevin Larson                27:38.5    Eau Claire Alumni
   53        Brian Scott, So             27:39.5    Wisconsin-Platteville
   54    50  Harrison Fegley, Fr         27:39.6    Wisconsin-Oshkosh
   55        Dan Dobbe, Fr               27:42.1    Saint John's
   56        Austen Scudder, Fr          27:44.0    Wisconsin-Platteville
   57    51  Chris Anderson, Sr          27:48.8    Wisconsin-Oshkosh
   58        Matt Kurke, Jr              27:52.5    Saint John's
   59        Jacob Kemper                27:56.0    
   60        Brian Hauge, Jr             27:58.1    St. Thomas
   61        Derek Johnson, So           27:59.5    Saint John's
   62    52  Eric Langsev, So            28:01.6    Hamline
   63        Justin Graham, Jr           28:04.2    Wisconsin-Stout
   64    53  Aaron Schwarzenbart, Jr     28:05.9    Winona State
   65        Todd Dexheimer, Jr          28:08.1    Wisconsin-Stout
   66        Jeff Freund, Jr             28:14.0    St. Olaf
   67        Scott Bromelkamp, Sr        28:16.1    Saint John's
   68        Kyle Triggs, Fr             28:18.2    Saint John's
   69    54  Nate Hall, So               28:18.4    Wisconsin-Eau Claire
   70        Andy Kahler, Jr             28:19.5    Wisconsin-Platteville
   71        Mark Johnson, Fr            28:21.4    Wisconsin-Oshkosh
   72        Nate Lynch, Jr              28:23.7    Wisconsin-Stout
   73        Jon Simon, Fr               28:25.0    Wisconsin-Oshkosh
   74        Eric Crawford, Sr           28:25.2    Saint John's
   75        Mike Heinen, So             28:27.6    Wisconsin-Stout
   76        John Leuck, So              28:30.8    Wisconsin-Platteville
   77    55  Josiah Nelson, Sr           28:35.2    St. Scholastica
   78        Dan Greenwood, Fr           28:36.4    Saint John's
   79    56  Simon Lick, Sr              28:37.5    St. Scholastica
   80    57  Michael Pendleton, Sr       28:38.0    Winona State
   81        Kyle Udovich, So            28:42.4    Wisconsin-Platteville
   82    58  Troy Abfalter, Sr           28:42.7    St. Scholastica
   83    59  Josh Gookins, Jr            28:44.5    St. Scholastica
   84        Kaleb Stromberg, Fr         28:47.8    St. Thomas
   85        Chris Duffy, Sr             28:48.6    Saint John's
   86        Ryan Buus, Sr               28:48.9    Saint John's
   87    60  Dan Scally, Fr              28:49.5    North Central (Minn)
   88        Adam Wolf, Jr               28:59.1    Saint John's
   89    61  Matt Lahn                   29:04.2    Eau Claire Alumni
   90        Riley Flanders, Fr          29:09.5    Saint John's
   91        Erik Bartelson, Fr          29:10.1    Wisconsin-Platteville
   92        Jeff Polley, Fr             29:10.6    Wisconsin-Oshkosh
   93    62  Ben Hadrich, So             29:13.3    St. Scholastica
   94    63  Joel Fredricks              29:20.7    Eau Claire Alumni
   95    64  Shuei Kato, Fr              29:24.8    Winona State
   96    65  Jim Tilus, So               29:27.6    North Central (Minn)
   97        Sean Griffin, So            29:29.7    Saint John's
   98        Michael Kyllo, Sr           29:30.9    St. Olaf
   99    66  Chad Johnson, Jr            29:32.1    St. Scholastica
  100    67  Peter Kuznia, Sr            29:33.5    Hamline
  101        Bert Wentzel                29:35.6    Eau Claire Alumni
  102        Travis Flanders, Jr         29:36.1    Saint John's
  103        Chad McNutt, So             29:40.8    Wisconsin-Stout
  104        Phil Hohl, Fr               29:51.7    St. Scholastica
  105        Jason Stoffel, So           30:02.6    Saint John's
  106    68  Greg Felling, Jr            30:06.2    Winona State
  107        Josh Bigelow, Sr            30:06.9    Wisconsin-Oshkosh
  108        Jeff Doll, Fr               30:09.7    Saint John's
  109        David Schueller, Jr         30:11.4    St. Scholastica
  110        Michael Luke, Jr            30:12.7    St. Olaf
  111        Bill Ludwig, Fr             30:20.0    Saint John's
  112        Dan Schumacher, Fr          30:21.3    Saint John's
  113    69  Tim Austin, So              30:46.4    North Central (Minn)
  114        Seth Spencer, Fr            30:48.9    Saint John's
  115    70  William Hessian, Sr         30:49.8    Winona State
  116        Dan Seglem, Fr              30:50.2    St. Scholastica
  117    71  Nick Hartlep, Fr            30:51.6    Winona State
  118        Jason Samens, Fr            31:25.5    Wisconsin-River Falls
  119        Shane Keating, Sr           31:36.4    St. Scholastica
  120        Mike Glatzel, Fr            31:45.2    Wisconsin-Platteville
  121        Kevin Mills, Fr             31:57.1    Saint John's
  122        Jim Skoog, So               32:02.7    St. Scholastica
  123        Chris Miller, So            32:09.1    Saint John's
  124        Brendan Keating, Fr         32:09.3    St. Scholastica
  125        Chris Gruber, Fr            32:11.3    St. Scholastica
  126        Burgess Norrgard, Jr        32:18.2    St. Scholastica
  127    72  Charlie Griffith, So        32:48.2    North Central (Minn)
  128        A J. Baillargeon, Sr        33:48.7    St. Scholastica
  129        Kelly Brevik, Sr            33:50.8    St. Scholastica
  130        Ethan Beilke-McCallum, Fr   33:56.3    Saint John's
  131        Adam Economy, Sr            34:09.1    St. Scholastica
  132        Alex Ruter, Fr              34:13.6    Winona State
  133        Ryan Joyce, Fr              37:24.3    Wisconsin-Platteville

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