Grand Rapids Sports Complex

Sept. 12, 2002

Partly cloudy, 78, wind 4-10 mph
Results by Apple Raceberry JaM

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  1   Grand Rapids             30    1    2    4   10   13   17   21   16:08.5    1:20.3
  2   Duluth East              54    3    5    8   12   26   29   33   16:38.7    1:22.5
  3   Hibbing                  75   11   14   15   16   19   30   31   16:57.0      32.2
  4   Cloquet                  80    6    7   18   24   25   27   40   17:01.7    1:05.6
  5   Proctor                 133    9   23   32   34   35   46        17:40.8    1:48.7
  6   Duluth Central          177   22   37   38   39   41   43   44   18:21.4    1:22.5
  7   Mt Iron-Buhl Virginia   181   20   28   36   47   50             19:20.7    5:27.0
  8   Duluth Denfeld          235   42   45   48   49   51   52        21:22.1    5:13.0


1. Grand Rapids
    1  Erica Fossum, 12            15:21.9  
    2  Lindsay Makinen, 11         15:49.6  
    4  Kari Lunemann, 11           16:13.1  
   10  Cicely Miltich, 11          16:35.6  
   13  Rachel Cameron, 9           16:42.2  
   17  Katie Zupan, 11             17:05.0  
   21  Laura Makinen, 11           17:15.6  
Time = 1:20:42.1     Places = 30

2. Duluth East
    3  Karli Miller, 8             16:12.6  
    5  Nellie Adams, 9             16:13.3  
    8  Alexandra Anderson, 12      16:34.7  
   12  Ericka Sell, 8              16:38.0  
   26  Lindsey Tessier, 11         17:35.0  
   29  Katie Haworth, 9            17:50.8  
   33  Tristin Mears, 10           18:01.0  
Time = 1:23:13.5     Places = 54

3. Hibbing
   11  Allie Pullar, 8             16:37.0  
   14  Christie Crego, 11          16:57.2  
   15  Jodi Schmitz, 8             16:57.9  
   16  Katie Pullar, 9             17:03.7  
   19  Anna Matetich, 9            17:09.2  
   30  Jenna Johnson, 10           17:51.4  
   31  Anna Stocco, 8              17:51.6  
Time = 1:24:44.8     Places = 75

4. Cloquet
    6  Victoria Thomas, 9          16:27.1  
    7  Lisa Linden, 9              16:33.6  
   18  Anna Lundquist, 11          17:08.0  
   24  Anna Jankowski, 12          17:27.5  
   25  Jenna Singpiel, 9           17:32.6  
   27  Megan Rempkowski, 9         17:42.3  
   40  Sheila Tierney, 11          18:42.4  
Time = 1:25:08.6     Places = 80

5. Proctor
    9  Katie Knight, 11            16:35.2  
   23  Amy Nelson, 11              17:23.2  
   32  Cassie Roper, 8             18:00.2  
   34  Kelly O'Brien, 10           18:01.2  
   35  Becky Bloomquist, 10        18:23.9  
   46  Karen Aldridge, 12          19:55.5  
Time = 1:28:23.6     Places = 133

6. Duluth Central
   22  Lisa Wiesen, 12             17:22.2  
   37  Tara Fitzgerald, 9          18:30.0  
   38  Dena Hunter, 9              18:34.1  
   39  Kaia Evavold, 12            18:36.0  
   41  Addie Sandbeck, 9           18:44.7  
   43  Alexis Simmons, 8           19:08.0  
   44  Delaine Wendling, 8         19:17.8  
Time = 1:31:46.9     Places = 177

7. Mt Iron-Buhl Virginia
   20  Jessica Jones, 10           17:12.1  
   28  Jessica Seitz, 12           17:44.1  
   36  Val Lossing, 11             18:29.7  
   47  Chelsy Taus, 10             20:38.6  
   50  Sam Jones, 12               22:39.0  
Time = 1:36:43.4     Places = 181

8. Duluth Denfeld
   42  Ashley Polson, 7            18:50.3  
   45  Jessica Lindholm, 11        19:35.1  
   48  Emily Hanson, 11            21:52.7  
   49  Malinda Youderin, 11        22:29.4  
   51  Trista Talbot, 11           24:03.3  
   52  Rachelle Davis, 10          25:18.1  
Time = 1:46:50.6     Places = 235

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  Erica Fossum, 12            15:21.9    Grand Rapids
    2     2  Lindsay Makinen, 11         15:49.6    Grand Rapids
    3     3  Karli Miller, 8             16:12.6    Duluth East
    4     4  Kari Lunemann, 11           16:13.1    Grand Rapids
    5     5  Nellie Adams, 9             16:13.3    Duluth East
    6     6  Victoria Thomas, 9          16:27.1    Cloquet
    7     7  Lisa Linden, 9              16:33.6    Cloquet
    8     8  Alexandra Anderson, 12      16:34.7    Duluth East
    9     9  Katie Knight, 11            16:35.2    Proctor
   10    10  Cicely Miltich, 11          16:35.6    Grand Rapids
   11    11  Allie Pullar, 8             16:37.0    Hibbing
   12    12  Ericka Sell, 8              16:38.0    Duluth East
   13    13  Rachel Cameron, 9           16:42.2    Grand Rapids
   14    14  Christie Crego, 11          16:57.2    Hibbing
   15    15  Jodi Schmitz, 8             16:57.9    Hibbing
   16    16  Katie Pullar, 9             17:03.7    Hibbing
   17    17  Katie Zupan, 11             17:05.0    Grand Rapids
   18    18  Anna Lundquist, 11          17:08.0    Cloquet
   19    19  Anna Matetich, 9            17:09.2    Hibbing
   20    20  Jessica Jones, 10           17:12.1    Mt Iron-Buhl Virginia
   21    21  Laura Makinen, 11           17:15.6    Grand Rapids
   22    22  Lisa Wiesen, 12             17:22.2    Duluth Central
   23    23  Amy Nelson, 11              17:23.2    Proctor
   24    24  Anna Jankowski, 12          17:27.5    Cloquet
   25    25  Jenna Singpiel, 9           17:32.6    Cloquet
   26    26  Lindsey Tessier, 11         17:35.0    Duluth East
   27    27  Megan Rempkowski, 9         17:42.3    Cloquet
   28    28  Jessica Seitz, 12           17:44.1    Mt Iron-Buhl Virginia
   29    29  Katie Haworth, 9            17:50.8    Duluth East
   30    30  Jenna Johnson, 10           17:51.4    Hibbing
   31    31  Anna Stocco, 8              17:51.6    Hibbing
   32    32  Cassie Roper, 8             18:00.2    Proctor
   33    33  Tristin Mears, 10           18:01.0    Duluth East
   34    34  Kelly O'Brien, 10           18:01.2    Proctor
   35        Katie Rogotzke, 10          18:15.4    Duluth East
   36    35  Becky Bloomquist, 10        18:23.9    Proctor
   37        Allison Carland, 12         18:26.0    Duluth East
   38    36  Val Lossing, 11             18:29.7    Mt Iron-Buhl Virginia
   39    37  Tara Fitzgerald, 9          18:30.0    Duluth Central
   40    38  Dena Hunter, 9              18:34.1    Duluth Central
   41    39  Kaia Evavold, 12            18:36.0    Duluth Central
   42        Laura Regal, 10             18:37.5    Duluth East
   43        Anika Tideman, 10           18:40.4    Duluth East
   44    40  Sheila Tierney, 11          18:42.4    Cloquet
   45        Taryn Turk, 10              18:42.6    Hibbing
   46        Heidi Mondry, 9             18:44.2    Grand Rapids
   47    41  Addie Sandbeck, 9           18:44.7    Duluth Central
   48    42  Ashley Polson, 7            18:50.3    Duluth Denfeld
   49        Nichole Fairbanks, 9        18:52.5    Hibbing
   50        Noel Kepler, 11             18:56.8    Hibbing
   51        Ruthanne Atkinson, 9        19:01.5    Hibbing
   52    43  Alexis Simmons, 8           19:08.0    Duluth Central
   53        Amanda Allen, 9             19:09.4    Duluth East
   54    44  Delaine Wendling, 8         19:17.8    Duluth Central
   55        Rachel Amadio, 10           19:19.4    Duluth East
   56    45  Jessica Lindholm, 11        19:35.1    Duluth Denfeld
   57        Sarah Heine, 9              19:36.2    Cloquet
   58    46  Karen Aldridge, 12          19:55.5    Proctor
   59        Jenna Klinck, 10            20:01.4    Hibbing
   60        Rachel Kilgour, 12          20:02.8    Duluth Central
   61        Katie Schmitz, 12           20:10.0    Hibbing
   62        Meagan Smith, 11            20:12.6    Cloquet
   63        Miranda Johnson, 11         20:15.8    Duluth East
   64        Emily Beresford, 12         20:23.7    Duluth East
   65    47  Chelsy Taus, 10             20:38.6    Mt Iron-Buhl Virginia
   66        JoAnn Gustafson, 11         20:45.2    Duluth East
   67        Erin Roff, 12               21:02.2    Duluth East
   68    48  Emily Hanson, 11            21:52.7    Duluth Denfeld
   69        H'ele'ne Jedorowicz, 12     22:08.6    Hibbing
   70        Stephanie Wilkinson, 11     22:17.0    Cloquet
   71        Jo Dinter, 10               22:21.2    Hibbing
   72        Dom Piron, 11               22:24.3    Hibbing
   73    49  Malinda Youderin, 11        22:29.4    Duluth Denfeld
   74    50  Sam Jones, 12               22:39.0    Mt Iron-Buhl Virginia
   75        Kelly Mullen, 12            22:43.4    Cloquet
   76    51  Trista Talbot, 11           24:03.3    Duluth Denfeld
   77        Emily Rounds, 12            24:32.1    Duluth Central
   78    52  Rachelle Davis, 10          25:18.1    Duluth Denfeld
   79        Katie Gutormson, 11         26:15.5    Grand Rapids
79 finishers among Women
0 male finishers
79 female finishers
79 total finishers

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